Showing Collections A-Z: 1 - 10 of 233
Abercrombie Engineering Laboratory collection
The Abercrombie Engineering Laboratory collection provides an overview of the chemical engineering program housed within the building’s walls for over seventy years. Faculty research, class papers, and program accreditation materials forming the bulk of the collection, with event programs, photos, and memorabilia offering more insight into the program’s culture.
Animal prints theft collection
This collection consists of circa 700 color prints stolen from the journals (the journal of the British Ornithologists’ Union) and Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, owned by the Fondren Library. The prints date from 1859-1915 and feature birds, bird eggs, and other animals. Theft correspondence and research dates from 1980-2004 and represents the Fondren Library’s efforts to cooperate with and assist in the Blumberg investigation.
Aristotle Demetrius Michal Mathematics class notes
This collection consists of the school notes of Aristotle D. Michal from when he attended Rice Institute from 1921-1925 while studying for his Ph. D. in Mathematics
Aurora I and Owl Satellite records
This collection contains details of the original proposal for the Aurora I and Owl research satellites, photographs and video of the project, and papers/publications related to the project.
Austrian History Yearbook papers
This collection includes manuscripts, related correspondence and notes concerning the publication of the Austrian History Newsletter and Yearbook, consisting primarily of the typescripts for articles.
Baylor College of Medicine - Rice University Merger records
The collection consists of materials created between October 2008 and January 2010 concerning a possible merger between Rice University and Baylor College of Medicine. There are a preliminary technical report, news clippings, correspondence, meeting records of the Rice Faculty Senate, and descriptions of past and possible future collaborative activity between Rice and B.C.M.
Capitalism and Convict Leasing in the American South: a Symposium
This symposium was hosted at Rice University on April 4, 2019, focused on capitalism and the convict leasing system in the American South. The collection consists of the videorecordings of the symposium sessions, as well as a PDF copy of the event program, all of which are online at
Card G. Elliott, Jr. Family collection
Letters, diaries, scrapbooks, and notebooks belonging to various members of the Elliott family, dating from 1830-1951. The majority of the collection's letters are from the early 20th-century, though some date from the U.S. Civil War (describing life in Mississippi). Other materials describe farm life in Kansas, railroad business, attendance at Rice Institute, and the family life of the Elliotts.
CERCL (Center for Engaged Research and Collaborative Learning) records
The collection consists of documentation of CERCL activities, such as submissions to a high school essay contest, event flyers, two oral history interviews, and extensive coverage of Hip-Hop relatved classes and events.