Showing Collections A-Z: 1 - 10 of 1310
1992 Republican National Convention, Houston Host Committee records
This collection consists of the official guide and calendar, the Houston Chronicle special convention edition, and numerous give-aways and souvenirs.
Aaron Martin U.S. Civil War letters
Correspondence from Aaron Martin to his family regarding personal matters, the U.S. Civil War, and army life.
Abbie Hoffman Incident oral histories
This collection contains three interviews conducted by Anna Ta.
Abercrombie Engineering Laboratory collection
The Abercrombie Engineering Laboratory collection provides an overview of the chemical engineering program housed within the building’s walls for over seventy years. Faculty research, class papers, and program accreditation materials forming the bulk of the collection, with event programs, photos, and memorabilia offering more insight into the program’s culture.
Abolición de la esclavitud / Abolition of Slavery in Mexico broadside
This collection contains a broadside distributed across the Republic of Mexico by the Mexican Congress in 1837, decreeing the abolition without exception of all slavery in all of the Republic.
Admiral Sir John Thomas Duckworth Correspondence with Vice-Admiral Charles Stirling
The collection consists of 3 folders of correspondence dating from 1803-1810, between British Admiral Sir John Thomas Duckworth as Naval Commander-in-Chief at Jamaica and Vice-Admiral Charles Stirling (1760-1833), Resident Commissioner at Jamaica relating to repairs to ships, stores, defenses and surveys.
Alan Chapman academic papers
This collection contains correspondence, research, reports, and publications, administrative materials, course notes and handouts, and personal items of Alan Chapman, the Harry S. Cameron Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering at Rice University.
Alan Dugald McKillop papers
Professional papers, manuscript notes and personal correspondence of Alan Dugald McKillop, Professor of English, Rice University. Included in the collection are: James Thomson letters (photocopies); Samuel Richardson letters (photocopies); Aaron Hill letters; typescripts of articles; reviews of McKillop's books; reviews by McKillop; offprints by McKillop, offprints of other authors (most autographed).
Alan Grob academic career records
The Alan Grob academic career records offer insight into the teaching and personal life of Rice University professor of English Alan Grob. Containing a large number of his lecture notes in addition to his writings, university related documents, and documents such as correspondence, photographs, and news articles, the collection helps preserve the memory of his impact at Rice.
Alan Lipman (BBYO) Programs
This collection is made up of one box containing B'nai B'rith Youth Organization (BBYO) event programs from Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) and B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG), as well as event programs from Sigma Alpha Rho. The programs were donated by Alan Lipman and span from 1970-1982.