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American Associates Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Greater Texas Region programs

Identifier: MS 0793
Finding aid note: Forms part of the Houston Jewish History Archive. Stored off-site at the Library Service Center. Please request this material via or call 713-348-2586.

Scope and Contents

This collection contains five programs from the American Associates Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Greater Texas Region Annual Gourmet Kosher Extravaganza, honoring different pillars of the Jewish community. Earlier versions of the program feature letters from BGU’s leadership, articles celebrating achievements of the university and ads for programming it offers, achievement pages, and introductions of and recipes from the chefs preparing the... food—-some of Houston’s best. Later versions of the program are more slender, and focus on the evening’s particulars, with the menu and program presiding, a brief description of the honoree, and some pages devoted to leadership teams and current issues facing the University.

The materials are in good condition and range in date from 2013 to 2018. Researchers exploring Jewish Education, connections between the Israeli organization and regional Jewish communities in Texas, kosher food and the modern day celebration of tradition, and pillars of the Jewish community would all find something to interest them in this collection, despite its small size.

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  • Creation: 2013 - 2018

Conditions Governing Access

This material is open for research.

Stored off-site at the Library Service Center. Please request this material via or call 713-348-2586.

Conditions Governing Use

Permission to publish material from the American Associates Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Greater Texas Region programs must be obtained from the Woodson Research Center, Fondren Library.

The Woodson Research Center use policy is that researchers assume sole responsibility for any infringement of privacy, literary rights, copyrights, or other rights arising from their use of the archival materials. In addition to any restrictions placed... by donors, certain kinds of archival materials are restricted for the life of the creator plus 50 years. These materials include, but are not limited to, student grades, transcripts, and any job applications or recommendations.

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Biographical / Historical

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev is an institution of higher education and research. Named after Israel’s first Prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, the university shares the Prime Minister’s vision of developing Israel’s Negev region. The University was established in 1969 and to date is the only Israeli university created by government mandate. Serving 20,000 students at campuses in Beer-Sheva, Sede Boqer and Eilat, the Ben-Gurion University of... the Negev is a leader in cyber and homeland security research, alternative energy, desert and water research, global health, medical technologies, Israel studies, culture and Jewish thought, and high-tech robotics.

According to their website, the American Associates of the University focus on raising “funds and awareness for the University across the United States, showcasing BGU’s academic excellence and groundbreaking research,” through online communications, their magazine Impact, and educational programs and events that feature BGU’s world-renowned faculty. One such event is hosted annually by the Greater Texas Region of the University—the Kosher Dining Extravaganza, a longtime local tradition honoring leaders of the Houston community and Israel, prepared by Houston’s top chefs, featured in the collection programs.

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0.25 Linear Feet (1 box)

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The American Associates Ben-Gurion University of the Negev programs offer unique insight into the global connections of Jewish culture and tradition with their extension of the Israeli university community into the Greater Texas Region, acknowledgement of influential figures, and exploration of kosher food.


The materials are arranged by date in a single series, as follows:

Series I: Gourmet Kosher Extravaganza Programs

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Vicki Samuels Levy donated the materials in May of 2018.

Guide to the American Associates Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Greater Texas Region programs, 2013-2018
Gabby Parker
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Repository Details

Part of the Woodson Research Center, Rice University, Houston, Texas Repository

Fondren Library MS-44, Rice University
6100 Main St.
Houston Texas 77005 USA