Showing Collections A-Z: 121 - 130 of 166
Rice University Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management records
Rice University Office of General Counsel records
These records include original reports, charters, lawsuits, and other related legal documents reflecting early Rice Institute, now Rice University's interests. The outcomes of the legal proceedings documented in these records reflect the Office of General Counsel legal assistance and advice. A small amount of documentation of William Marsh Rice and his nephew, William Marsh Rice Jr. is present.
Rich Layton collection
This collection consists of photographs, audio, news clippings, and poster/fliers documenting the Houston career of Rich Layton.
Richard J. Dobson collection
This collection contains the correspondence, journals, music business files, and audio of Richard Dobson.
River Oaks Bank collection
Certificates, correspondence, event documents, financial records, marketing/public relations materials, newsletters, news clips, and photographs document the history of the River Oaks Bank from 1955-1988.
Roger Francis "Rock" Romano collection
This collection mainly comprises the audio output of the Red Shack recording studion owned by Rock Romano. It also contains archival material related to The Fun and Games, Smokin' Fitz, and Dr. Rockit.
Rolland Bradley papers
This collection contains the papers of Rolland Bradley, Texas State legislator. The collection includes a bound manuscript copy of Bradley’s master’s thesis for the University of Texas on proportional representation in the United States. Also included are several chapters of his book and assorted speeches and pamphlets.
Salomon Chaim Bochner papers
Sara Hickman collection
This collection consists of business records, photographs, audio, newspaper clippings, and correspondence documenting the music career of Sara Hickman.
Shadyside residential collection
The materials cover the founding of Shadyside, its deeds restirctions, trustees' reports, legal matters and correspondence.