Showing Collections A-Z: 91 - 100 of 111
Robert Levy Family Papers
As part of the Los Angeles Jewish community, Robert Levy interacts with a number of its organizations and institutions. Mostly dated in the early 1930s, Robert Levy’s family papers offer a glimpse of Jewish life in Los Angeles nearly a century ago.
Schneider Family Papers
This collection consists of two boxes containing administrative records, cookbooks, correspondences, journals, memorabilia, photos, programs, and publications from Harry and Riva Schneider during their involvement in the United Orthodox Synagogues of Houston, United Orthodox Synagogues Men's Club, and the United Orthodox Synagogues Sisterhood, spanning 1975-2016.
Seth Stolbun Papers
Two boxes containing Emery-Weiner school materials ( yearbooks, directories, school photos. ID card), River Oaks Elementry materials (report card, programs), ID card from school in Israel, Bar Mitzvah photo album and practice materials, BBYO materials (books, panoramic photos), invitations, certificates from 2001-2017.
Seven Acres/Jewish Home for the Aged records
The Seven Acres Records contain newsletters, news clippings, event materials, promotional materials, DVDs, and reports showcasing programs, events and administrative materials from the Seven Acres eldery home, offering a glimpse of elderly care in the Houston Jewish community.
Shearith Israel Congregation collection
The collection contains six boxes of correspondence, event materials (including programs, correspondence, and memorabilia), newsletters, bulletins, news clippings, books, photographs, financial documents, sermons, and video and audio material of events that document the history of Shearith Israel Congregation in Wharton, Texas, from 1921 to 2002.
Sheldon Kaufman Papers
The collection consists of one box containing primary school certificates, Bar Mitzvah materials, a letter of intent to play baseball for Rice University on a scholarship, news clippings, admissions paperwork, correspondence, Rice team schedules, an award, and two scrapbooks that documents Sheldon Kaufman's time spent as a youth at Adath Emeth primary school and his baseball career from Little League through his time at Rice University spanning the years 1956 to 2004.
Shirley Barish papers
The collection contains correspondence, certificates, event materials, speeches and sermons, news clippings, newsletters, conference materials, photographs, a book draft and educational materials catalog, reports, and organizational materials that document Shirley Barish's time as an educator at Congregation Emanu El Religious School and as a youth group advisor for the Congregation's Temple youth groups.
Sklar Family papers
The Sklar Family papers contain photographs and certificates relevant to the Sklar family, such as Fred Sklar’s confirmation certificate and bar mitzvah materials. The papers offer a look at institutions such as the B’nai B’rith Youth Organization and Congregation Beth Jacob, and the ceremonies that tie families and communities together.
S.L. Wisenberg family papers
This collections is made up of congregation Beth Yeshurun Anniversary/Dedication books and two scrapbooks containing photographs, school report cards, programs, newspaper clippings, agendas, and correspondence document the interests and activities of S.L. Wisenberg as a child between 1961 and 2001.
Society of Rice University Women (SRUW) Records
Records documenting the daily business of the Society of Rice University Women, including membership information, financial records and activity scrapbooks. Formats include membership lists, treasurer’s reports, bank records, meeting minutes, event flyers, scrapbooks, photographs, and yearbooks.