Showing Collections A-Z: 101 - 110 of 362
Freed/Fisherman Family Papers
The collection is made up of three boxes and one map-drawer containing awards and certificates, correspondence, event materials, photographs, posters, and publications from the Freed/Fisherman family, spanning 1915 to 2011.
Freedman Family Papers
This collection contains a JCC newsletter, a Confirmation program and photograph, a Navy baseball team photo taken during World War II, and a Hebrew New Years Eve card, which document some activities and events the Freedman family participated in from 1935 to 1982.
Friedman Family Papers
Made up of mostly class photos from Beth Yeshurun Day school, the Friedman Family papers show David and Rachel Friedman growing up in the tight-knit community formed by Beth Yeshurun’s outreach to Houston Jews.
Gaber / Kline Family Papers
This collection is made up of four boxes containing certificates, correspondence, event materials, memorabilia, news clippings, photographs, scrapbooks, and publications from the Gaber/Kline Family, spanning from 1916 to 2017.
Gee Family Association papers
The Gee Family Association (GFA) is an organization of generations of Gees and their extended families. This collection includes print materials such as event flyers and programs, genealogies, and circa 20 photographs, primarily regarding the activities of the Gee Family Association in Houston, Texas.
Geller and allied families papers
This collection contains photographs, clippings, correspondence, and newsletters related to members of the Geller and Leff families from 1896 to 2022.
Gene & Hedy Lee Chinese community newspapers & photographs, and family records
General Young Marshall Moody family papers
The bulk of the correspondence is from Young M. Moody to his “Dear and Confiding Wife.”, written during the U.S. Civil War. In addition there are other family letters, military correspondence, land and business records, photographs, daguerreotypes and badges of rank and an epaulet from General Moody’s uniform.
George Meyer Family Collection
The George Meyer Family Collection contains family photos, photos of the Loraine and George B. Meyer house on Holcombe Blvd. in Houston, a catalog of the company business, and a resolution on the death of Joseph F. Meyer.
George R. Miner, Jr. Rice memorabilia collection
The George R. Miner, Jr. Rice memorabilia collection focuses on Rice University athletics. It contains mostly photographs of athletes, coaches, along with action shots of various sports, the majority concerning football. There are also photographs and memorabilia of team reunions, the Rice Athletic Hall of Fame, and Rice alumni events.