Showing Collections A-Z: 1 - 4 of 4
Harry Boyer Weiser chemistry offprints
Contains offprints of articles written by early Rice chemistry professor Harry Boyer Weiser between 1913 and 1950. The collection includes a complete bibliography of articles and books written by Weiser as well as some personal correspondence between Weiser and Rice Institute President E.O Lovett.
John L. Margrave academic papers
The academic papers of Chemistry Professor and Dean of Advanced Studies and Research John L. Margrave reflect the daily business of his career at Rice University, and his involvement with Gulf Universities Research Consortium (GURC), Houston Area Research Center (HARC), High Temperature Science, and Marchem, Incorporated.
Rice University Nobel Prize records
The collection consists of biographical sketches, invitations, news clippings, press releases and video clips relating to Nobel Laureates Robert Woodrow Wilson, Richard E. Smalley and Robert F. Curl.
Robert F. Curl academic papers
The collection holds the chemistry research materials during a portion of Dr. Robert Curl's tenure at Rice University through 2012. The materials, arranged chronologically, include typescript copies, proofs, notes, charts, correspondence and reprints regarding published and unfinished research. Also contains information relating to Curl's positions on non-Rice boards and committees.