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Contains 13 Results:

Venite adoremus eum, 15th-16th century

 Item — Folder: 1
Identifier: wrc18472
Scope and Contents

Text: Venite adoremus eum quia ipse est Dominus De[us noster.]. Forms part of the Antiphon for Psalm 94 for Epiphany Sunday.

Dates: 15th-16th century

Tota pulchra es Maria, 15th-16th century

 Item — Folder: 1
Identifier: wrc18473
Scope and Contents

Text: tota pulchra es Maria, et macula [originalis] non est in te. Forms part of the Antiphon for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.

Dates: 15th-16th century

Sepelierunt Stephanum viri timorati, 1550-1575

 Item — Folder: 1
Identifier: wrc18474
Scope and Contents

Text: Sepelierunt Stephanum viri timorati, et fecrunt plan[c]tu[m] magnu[m] super eum. Iste est Iohannes, qui supra pectus Domini in cena recubuit beatus Apostolus, cui revelata sunt secreta celestia. Euouae. Forms part of the Antiphon for the Feast of Saint Stephen.

Dates: 1550-1575

Maria matre eius et procidentes, 15th-16th century

 Item — Folder: 1
Identifier: wrc18475
Scope and Contents

Text: ... puerum cu[m] Maria matre eius et procidentes adoraueru[n]t eum. P[salmus]. Gauisi. R[esponsorium]. (verso) Videntes stella[m] magi gauisi sunt gaudio magno et intra[n]tes domu[m] inueneru[n]t. Forms part of the Antiphon before the magnificat for the Epiphany, Jan. 7.

Dates: 15th-16th century

Ad te levavi animan meam, 15th-16th century

 Item — Folder: 1
Identifier: wrc18033
Scope and Contents Text: Ad te levavi anima[m] meam : Deus meus in te confido, non erubescam : neque irrideant me inimici mei : etenim universi qui te ex[s]pectant, non confundentur. Vias tuas, Domi[n]e demonstra m[ihi] : et semitas tuas edoceme. Universi qui te ex[s]pectant, non confundentur, Domine. Vias tuas Domine notas fac mihi: et se mitas tuas edoceme. Alleluya. Ostende nobis Domine miseracordiam tuam: et salutare tuum da nobis. Forms part of the introit, gradual, alleluia, and alleluia verse for the...
Dates: 15th-16th century

Leaf from Missa Angelorum found in an Italian Gradual, ca. 1490.

 Item — Folder: 1
Identifier: wrc18034
Scope and Contents

Text: Kyrie [e]leyson. Christe [e]leyson. Kyrie [e]leyson. Gloria in excelsis Deo. Et in terra pax homini[bus]. Forms part of the Ordinary of the mass.

Dates: ca. 1490.

Hodie Christus natus est, 15th-16th century

 Item — Folder: 1
Identifier: wrc18035
Scope and Contents

Text: Hodie Christ[us] nat[us] est : hodie Salvator apparuit : hodie in terra canu[n]t A[n]geli, leta[n]tur Arca[n]geli : hodie exulta[n]t justi dici[n]tes : Gloria in excelsis Deo, alleluya. Forms part of the Antiphon for Christmas day. Leading illuminated "H" not representative of traditional European illumination. Possibly from Mexico or another Latin American country.

Dates: 15th-16th century

Mihi au te ad herere deo bonus est, 15th-16th century

 Item — Folder: 1
Identifier: wrc18036
Scope and Contents Text only. Illuminated leading "U" for Psalm 73. Purpose: End of Psalm 72 for feria V at terce and beginning of Psalm 73 for feria V at sext for the Divine Offices. Text: ... te. Mihi aute[m] adherere Deo bonum est: ponere in Domino Deo spe[m] meam. Ut annu[n]tiem omnes pr[a]edicationes tuas: in portis fili[a]e Sion. Psal[mus]. Ut quid Deus repulisti in finem: iratus est (verso) furor tuus super oves pascu[a]e tu[a]e. Memor esto congregationis tue: quam possedisti ab initio. Rede misti...
Dates: 15th-16th century

Beati immaculati in via, ca. 1450

 Item — Folder: 1
Identifier: wrc18037
Scope and Contents

Text: Beati immaculati in via qui ambulant in lege Domini. Gloria patri et filio et spiritu sancto. Sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper et in secula seculorum. Amen Diffusa est gratia in labiis tues propterea benedixit. Forms part of Introit and gradual for the Common Mass for a Holy Woman and a Martyr.

Dates: ca. 1450

Mirificavit Dominus Sanctos suos, ca. 1490

 Item — Folder: 1
Identifier: wrc18038
Scope and Contents

Text: Mirificavit D[omi]n[u]s Sa[n]ctos suos, [et] exaudivit eos clama[n]tes ad te. Admirabile e[st] nom[en] tuum D[omi]ne : quia Gloria et honore coro[n]asti S[an]c[t]os tuos et co[n] est constituisti eos sup[er] op[er]a manuum tuarum. Forms part of the Feast of All Saints.

Dates: ca. 1490