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Library Ambassador images, 2019


Scope and Contents

This digital file contains 12 jpg images of the 2019/2020 Library Ambassadors.


  • Creation: 2019


Access Restrictions

The majority of this collection is open for research; some items have restricted access.

Files labeled restricted are restricted 50 years from the point of creation.

Conditions Governing Access

Boxes 42, 43, 67, 68, 85-93 stored onsite at the Woodson Research Center.

Boxes 1-41, 44-66, 69-84 are stored off-site at the Library Service Center. Please request this material via or call 713-348-2586.


From the Collection: 46.5 Linear Feet ( (93 boxes))

From the Collection: 0.0106 Gigabytes (Nearline access: UA157aip_001 (10MB) )

From the Collection: 1.64 Gigabytes (Nearline access: UA157aip_002 (1.64 GB) )

From the Collection: 3.25 Gigabytes (Nearline access: UA157aip_003 (3.25GB) )

From the Collection: 12.3 Gigabytes (Nearline access: UA157aip_004 (12.3 GB) )

From the Collection: 0.00961 Gigabytes (Nearline access: UA157aip_005 (0.00961 GB) )

From the Collection: 0.0102 Gigabytes (Nearline access: UA157aip_006 (0.0102 GB) )

From the Collection: 0.99 Gigabytes (Nearline access: UA157aip_007 (0.99 GB) )

From the Collection: 0.0389 Gigabytes (Nearline access: UA157aip_008 (0.0389 GB) )

From the Collection: 0.446 Gigabytes (Nearline access: UA157aip_009 (0.466 GB) )

From the Collection: 0.068 Gigabytes (Nearline access: UA157aip_010 (0.068 GB) )

From the Collection: 0.103 Gigabytes (Nearline access: UA157aip_011 (0.103 GB) )

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

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Repository Details

Part of the Woodson Research Center, Rice University, Houston, Texas Repository

Fondren Library MS-44, Rice University
6100 Main St.
Houston Texas 77005 USA