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Series XX: Digital Archive


Scope and Contents

From the Collection:

It is an extensive collection of college documents, publications, minutes, including constitution and by-laws, as well as correspondence files, news clippings and theatrical information and social activities created and maintained by residents of Will Rice College. Dates range from 1957-2013.


  • Creation: 1957 - 2017


Conditions Governing Access

Stored offsite at the Library Service Center. Please request this material via or call 713-348-2586.

Access Restrictions

This material is open for research.


From the Collection: 20.25 Linear Feet (40 boxes + oversize materials)

From the Collection: 0.0037 Gigabytes (Nearline access: UA0073aip_001 (0.0037 GB))

From the Collection: 0.0019 Gigabytes (Nearline access: UA0073aip_002 (0.0019 GB))

From the Collection: 0.014 Gigabytes (Nearline access: UA0073aip_003 (0.014 GB))

From the Collection: 0.019 Gigabytes (Nearline access: UA0073aip_004 (0.019 GB))

From the Collection: 0.016 Gigabytes (Nearline access: UA0073aip_005 (0.016 GB))

From the Collection: 0.00018 Gigabytes (Nearline access: UA0073aip_006 (0.00018 GB))

From the Collection: 0.003 Gigabytes (Nearline access: UA0073aip_007 (0.003 GB))

From the Collection: 165 Gigabytes (Nearline access: UA0073aip_008 (0.165 GB))

From the Collection: 0.06 Megabytes (Nearline access: UA0073aip_009 (0.06 MB))

From the Collection: 0.163 Gigabytes (Nearline access: UA0073aip_009 (0.163 GB))

From the Collection: 0.122 Gigabytes (Nearline access: UA0073aip_010 (0.122 GB))

From the Collection: 0.122 Gigabytes (Nearline access: UA0073aip_011 (0.122 GB))

From the Collection: 0.005 Gigabytes (Nearline access: UA0073aip_012 (0.005 GB))

From the Collection: 0.071 Gigabytes (Nearline access: UA0073aip_013 (0.071 GB))

From the Collection: 1.25 Gigabytes (Nearline access: UA0073aip_014 (1.25 GB))

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

Collapse All


These items were downloaded from the Will Rice College Digital Archive Google Drive, converted to pdf files, saved to an internal server, and printed. The digital files will be kept until June 2017. After that, the digital files will be deleted, but the physical files will remain in the collection.

Repository Details

Part of the Woodson Research Center, Rice University, Houston, Texas Repository

Fondren Library MS-44, Rice University
6100 Main St.
Houston Texas 77005 USA