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Showing Collections A-Z: 91 - 100 of 271

Gertrude Estelle Denn papers

Identifier: MS 0765

News clippings, a dance card, reunion and senior class night programs, a high school yearbook, and photographs record events in Gertrude Denn's life - predominantly in the 1940s.

Dates: 1938 - 2002

Gigi Yellen-Kohn Family papers

Identifier: MS 0856

The Gigi Yellen-Kohn family papers are comprised of documents, news-clippings, photographs, and memorabilia from the Yellen-Kohn family. A family tree of the Yellen-Kohn family can be found in the control folder.

Dates: 1913 - 1973

Gil Whitaker academic papers

Identifier: UA 0105

The collection consists of papers documenting the professional activity of Gilbert R. Whitaker, Jr. from the 1970’s through 2004, primarily at the University of Michigan and Rice University. Included are personal day books, correspondence, newsclips, speeches, and photographs.

Dates: 1970 - 2004

Gilbert Morris Cuthbertson Collection of Rare Books and Manuscripts

Identifier: UA 0426
Content Description

This donation from the estate of Rice University Prof. Gilbert Cuthbertson contains circa 10,000 books / bound volumes; circa 2,000 photographs; circa 15 audiorecordings; circa 41 cartons of manuscript materials. Subject areas include Texas and Central American history, Rice University history, political science, and more.

Dates: 1500 - 2019

Glenda Joe / Houston Asian American community advocacy and festival arts records

Identifier: MS 0667

Records documenting the activities of Glenda Joe with the Houston Asian American Festival Association, as well as with community advocacy issues concerning the Asian American communities in Houston, circa 1980-2015.

Dates: 1980 - 2015

Gordon Quan papers

Identifier: MS 0618

This collection consists of business papers, articles, photographs, and awards created by or about Gordon Quan, immigration lawyer and former Houston City Council member. Also included are articles and items about the Houston community in general and the Houston Asian American community specifically.

Dates: 1982-2012

Graber / Reinhardt / Nussenblatt Family Papers

Identifier: MS 1062

Two boxes of BBYO Materials, Congregation Beth Jacob materials, family marriage license and photograph, and Echo Hill Ranch newsletters document activities members of the Graber/Reinhardt/Nussenblatt family were involved in from 1911 to 2001.

Dates: 1911 - 2001

Grace Spaulding John papers

Identifier: MS 0383

These papers consist of proofs, dummies, and printed copies of published and unpublished works written by or illustrated by Grace Spaulding John. Also included are film/film prints of illustrations from these works, sketchbooks, as well as other artwork. Additional items in the collection include biographical information on John, newspaper and magazine articles, and family photographs, audiotapes and correspondence.

Dates: 1890-1977

Gulf Oil Research and Development Company Records

Identifier: MS 0582

The collection consists of material representing the work of Abraham J. Teplitz, research scientist-engineer at Gulf Oil Research and Development Company, from 1926 through 1966. It includes technical reports either authored or jointly authored by Teplitz, a specialist in the technology of oil well drilling. Also included are two notebooks related to patents and a folder of memorabilia and one of photographs.

Dates: 1926-1966

Hannah Juanita Rembert Rice Institute Papers

Identifier: MS 1011

One folder containing news clippings, photographs, graduation program and invitation, a senior banquet program, an acceptance letter, and a summary of student expenses documents some of Hannah Rembert's time at Rice Institute from 1936 to 1938.

Dates: 1936 - 1938

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  • Subject: books X

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Clippings (books, newspapers, etc.) 197
photographs 166
Correspondence 150
Records (documents) 88
Universities and colleges 78
∨ more
Jews and Jewish life 75
Albums (books) 64
Jewish Families 62
Programs (publications) 47
Social life and customs 39
Texas -- Houston 36
Books 34
Minutes (Records) 34
Women 34
Texas 29
Business 28
Newsletters 25
Reports 24
Collectibles 23
Politics and government 23
Sound recordings 23
Video recordings 22
Ephemera 20
Personal correspondence 20
Manuscripts 19
Religion 19
Art 18
Education 18
Asian Americans 17
Diaries 17
Directories 17
United States 17
newspapers 16
African Americans 15
Rice University 15
Speeches 14
World War (1939-1945) 14
Architecture 12
Legal instruments 12
Calendars 11
Informational works 11
Military 11
Yearbooks 11
Jewish Organizations and Businesses 10
Petroleum industry and trade 10
Synagogues 10
History 9
Authors 8
Civil rights 8
Posters 8
American Civil War (United States : 1861-1865) 7
Family histories 7
Interviews 7
Literature 7
Music 7
Sermons 7
Slides 7
College students 6
Constitutions 6
Guidebooks 6
Lectures 6
Maps 6
Oil and gas 6
Oral histories 6
Pamphlets 6
Philanthropists 6
Theater 6
Twentieth century 6
World War (1914-1918) 6
Chinese Americans 5
Church bulletins 5
College teachers 5
Health care and medicine 5
Law and legislation 5
Literature and society 5
Oil fields -- Equipment and supplies 5
Press releases 5
Artists 4
Banks and banking 4
Editorials 4
Enslavement 4
Genealogy 4
Journalism 4
Negatives (photographs) 4
Obituaries 4
Periodicals 4
Texas -- Galveston 4
Texas -- Harris County 4
Universities and colleges -- Faculty 4
Annual reports 3
Architects 3
Architectural drawings 3
Artists’ books 3
Athletics 3
Biographies 3
Charts, diagrams, etc. 3
Drawings 3
Environment 3
Illumination of books and manuscripts 3
Jewish day schools 3
+ ∧ less
English 265
Chinese 2
Latin 2
French 1
Persian 1
Rice University 35
Rice University--residential college system 6
Unknown 6
Rice University -- history. 5
Rice University. 5
∨ more
Congregation Adath Yeshurun (Houston, Tex.) 4
Congregation Beth Israel (Houston, Tex.) 4
B'nai B'rith Youth Organization 3
Congregation Beth Yeshurun (Houston, Tex) 3
Davidson, Chandler 3
Furman, Joshua, Dr. 3
Richards, Ann, 1933-2006 3
United Orthodox Synagogues of Houston (Houston, Tex.) 3
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 3
Autry family 2
Baker, James Addison 2
Baker, Rowena Crawford 2
Bentsen, Lloyd 2
Brown & Root, Inc. 2
Brown, Alice Pratt 2
Castaneda, Christopher James 2
Catholic Church 2
Congregation Adath Emeth (Houston, Tex.) 2
Congregation Adath Israel (Houston, Tex.) 2
Congregation Brith Shalom. (Bellaire, Tex) 2
Congregation Emanu El (Houston, Tex.) 2
Congregation Shearith Israel (Wharton, Tex) 2
Denn, Meyer 2
Dugger, Ronnie 2
Ferguson, Miriam Amanda 2
Huxley, Julian, 1887-1975 2
Huxley, Juliette, 1896-1994 2
James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy. 2
Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973 2
Jones, Jesse H. (Jesse Holman) 2
Levy, Vicki Samuels 2
Lovett, Edgar Odell 2
McVey, William M. 2
Pitzer, Kenneth S. (Kenneth Sanborn) 2
Rice University--residential college system. 2
Rogers, Karen Hess 2
Abramson, Ida Sue 1
Allen, Herbert 1
Alter, Fred C. 1
American Association of University Professors 1
American Defense Group 1
American Freedom Train Foundation 1
American Legion 1
American Republics Corporation 1
Anderson, Benjamin M. 1
Anderson, Clayton & Co 1
Anderson, Michael 1
Angel, Debbie 1
Angel, John 1
Anglican Church in North America 1
Antunes, George Edward 1
Armco Steel Corporation 1
Armeniades, Constantine D. 1
Armstrong, Dora 1
Askanase, Hilda (Graham) 1
Askanase, Reuben 1
Attenborough, David 1
Austin, Stephen F. (Stephen Fuller) 1
Autrey, Lynette Schneider 1
Autry, Hennie 1
Autry, Herbert 1
Autry, James Lockhart, 1830-1862 1
Autry, James Lockhart, II 1
Autry, Micajah 1
B'nai B'rith. Herzl Lodge No. 608 1
Baker College (Rice University) 1
Baker College (Rice University). 1
Baker family 1
Baker, Alice Graham 1
Baker, James Addison, 1930- 1
Baker, James Addison, Judge 1
Ballantyne Press. 1
Ballew, William V., Jr. 1
Barentine, Andy A. 1
Barish, David 1
Barish, Marvin 1
Barish, Shirley 1
Bass, Patty 1
Beckman, Francine N. 1
Bedford, Sybille, 1911-2006 1
Beer Bike cycling event 1
Belasco, Norman 1
Bell Family 1
Bell, David 1
Bell, Henrietta 1
Bell, Marian 1
Bering family 1
Bering, Louisa Neumann 1
Berman family 1
Berman, Morton 1
Berry, Frank Lee (Jr.) 1
Beth Jacob Congregation (Houston, Tex) 1
Binyon, Laurence, 1869-1943 1
Bishop, Lynette 1
Bistram, Emile, 1895-1976 1
+ ∧ less