Showing Collections A-Z: 11 - 20 of 40
Rice Institute 1924 Campanile yearbook printer's copy, photographs and graphics
The collection consists of the bound printer's copy of the 1924 yearbook of Rice Insitute, the Campanile. Also in the collection are envelopes of photographs apparently considered for use and 8" by 10" copies of photographic portraits that were used in smaller format. Samples of the intended covers and decorative printing and artwork to be used especially on pages without photographs are also included. Invoices for various stages of the production are included as well.
Rice Institute/Rice University Charter Trial records
Rice University 1990-1991 Charter Centennial Celebration Committee records
The collection consists of planning materials in preparation for the 1990-91 celebration of the centennial of the charter establishing Rice Institute. The collection includes the committee’s charge from President George Rupp, records of committee and subcommittee membership, notes, memos, meeting minutes, recommendations, reports, and correspondence.
Rice University Academic Affairs Committee Records
Minutes and correspondence documenting the regular business of the Rice University Academic Affairs Committee.
Rice University Center for Research in Parallel Computation (CRPC) records, Ken Kennedy, Scientific Director
This collection contains videotapes, photos, reports, and other materials associated with the operation of the Center for Research in Parallel Computation from 1985-1999.
Rice University COVID-19 Student Memories Collection
Reflection entries submitted by students enrolled in Rice University courses during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Rice University Dean of Humanities Search Committee records
agendas, minutes, advertising, letters to and from candidates, itineraries, and other types of correspondence, files related to committee work, and candidates' files.
Rice University Department of Chemical Engineering records
This collection contains correspondence and lecture notes from faculty of the Department of Chemical Engineering.
Rice University Department of Philosophy papers
The materials in the Philosophical Department papers contain lectures and papers delving into many of the topics addressed by the department, both at conferences and in the classroom.
Rice University Department of Psychology records
Records of Dr. David Schneider's career at Rice University dealing with different aspects of Schneider’s career and works. These subseries include letters, e-mails, papers, department data, and evaluations involving Schneider and other faculty within the Psychology Department.