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Rice University COVID-19 Student Memories Collection

Identifier: UA 0431
Finding aid note: 

Scope and Contents

This collection contains reflection entries submitted by students enrolled in Rice University courses during the spring and summer 2020 semesters. Students reflected on their experiences in the last few weeks on-campus and returning home due to the developing coronavirus pandemic. The entries were submitted electronically.


  • Creation: 2020


Conditions Governing Access

This material is open for research.

Conditions Governing Use

Permission to publish material from the Rice University COVID-19 Student Memories Collection, 2020 must be obtained from the Woodson Research Center, Fondren Library.

The Woodson Research Center use policy is that researchers assume sole responsibility for any infringement of privacy, literary rights, copyrights, or other rights arising from their use of the archival materials. In addition to any restrictions placed by donors, certain kinds of archival materials are restricted for the life of the creator plus 50 years. These materials include, but are not limited to, student grades, transcripts, and any job applications or recommendations.

Biographical / Historical

COVID-19, a novel Coronavirus that caused a pandemic which originated in China, swept across the globe in the first months of 2020. For more information regarding the deadly pandemic please consult either the Center of Disease Control or the World Health Organization. A Rice employee was the individual with the first positive Coronavirus test in Harris County. Rice canceled classes the week of March 9th, 2020. As the situation became increasingly dire, the university moved all of its classes to remote delivery on March 23, 2020 for the remainder of the spring semester. The majority of Rice’s undergraduate students moved out of their residential colleges. Its effects were felt acutely by Rice University students.


0.31 Gigabytes (213 electronic text, image, and audio files (PDF, jpeg, mp3))

0.00561 Gigabytes (UA0431aip_001)

0.0023 Gigabytes (UA0431aip_002)

0.00137 Gigabytes (UA0431aip_003)

0.262 Gigabytes (UA0431aip_004)

Language of Materials



Reflection entries submitted by students enrolled in Rice University courses during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

This material was transferred from Rice University faculty Dr. Rachel Kimbro, Lindsay Graham, and Dr. W. Caleb McDaniel in 2020.


Portions of this collection are also available on the Omeka platform created to preserve Rice community experience of COVID-19 pandemic.

Guide to the Rice University COVID-19 Student Memories Collection
Rebecca Russell
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the Woodson Research Center, Rice University, Houston, Texas Repository

Fondren Library MS-44, Rice University
6100 Main St.
Houston Texas 77005 USA