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22. Rice University faculty and administrative records

 Record Group
Identifier: 22
Rice University records of faculty members, departments, schools, centers, and administrative offices such as those of the president, provost, registrar, and more.

Found in 291 Collections and/or Records:

Rice University Information Services, Press releases collection

Identifier: UA 0041

This collection consists of news and press releases put out by Rice University Information Services.

Dates: 1945 - 2004

Rice University Office of Media Services, News & Publications collection

Identifier: UA 0042

Photocopies of news articles featuring Rice University collected in weekly packet with accompaining indexes.

Dates: 1987 - 2004

Rice University Dean of Architecture Search Committee records

Identifier: UA 0047

Records of the Search Committee for the position of Dean of Architecture, spanning the years 1988 to 1993.

Dates: 1988 - 1993

Rice University Associate Provost Search records

Identifier: UA 0049

These materials include correspondence, minutes, notes, and other materials related to the searches for an Associate Provost during the years 1986, 1995, and 1996. Also included are the materials submitted by the applicants for each search. This material is restricted.

Dates: 1985 - 1996

Rice University Dean of Humanities Search Committee records

Identifier: UA 0054

agendas, minutes, advertising, letters to and from candidates, itineraries, and other types of correspondence, files related to committee work, and candidates' files.

Dates: 1994 - 1995

Rice University Presidential Search Committee records (George Rupp)

Identifier: UA 0055

Records reflecting the official business of the Presidential Search Committee, 1984-1985, including documentation of student, faculty, and alumni input; nominations; candidate files; and white paper preparation. This search resulted in the hire of George Rupp as President of Rice University.

Dates: 1984 - 1985

Rice University Treasurer's Office records regarding Town Lot Sales Records and Rice Hotel and Houston Endowment

Identifier: UA 0002

The collection consists of sales/payment records, tax records, maps, deeds, and correspondence concerning the town lots received by the Rice Institute from the Rice Estate and others purchased in later years. Also included are deeds, construction contracts, inventories, tax records, and correspondence concerning the Rice Hotel and 99-year lease with the Houston Endowment.

Dates: 1868 - 1986

Rice University Development Office $33 Million Campaign records

Identifier: UA 0004

This record group contains all the records of the Rice University $33 Million Campaign Office. Included are proposals, requests, reports, correspondence, brochures, and newsletters produced during the campaign.

Dates: 1957 - 1985

Rice University Faculty offprints collection

Identifier: UA 0006

Faculty offprints, reproductions of individual articles published in scholarly journals, written by Rice University professors, with publication dates ranging from 1897 to 2005.

Dates: 1897-2005

Rice University Past faculty and staff records

Identifier: UA 0008

Correspondence, memoranda, and reports relating to faculty and professional employees no longer associated with Rice University. Includes permanent and temporary appointments.

Dates: 1915-2013