Showing Collections A-Z: 1 - 3 of 3
Jesse H. Jones Corporate and Property records
Identifier: MS 0621
This collection comprises the corporate and property records of Jesse H. Jones, as well as research materials for Unprecedented Power by Steven Fenberg. Between 1992 and 1995, Mr. Fenberg and architectural historian Barrie Scardino processed and organized the collection at the behest of Houston Endowment. After their transfer to Rice Univeristy some adjusments were made to the organization and nomenclature, but most of the structure they imposed remains intact. Significant areas covered in...
1836-2008; Majority of material found within 1920 - 1990
Jesse H. Jones Family and Personal Papers
Identifier: MS 0252
The Jesse H. Jones Family and Personal Papers, consisting of 92 boxes, detail the lives of individual Jones family members and are highlighted by the Jesse H. Jones personal papers consisting of correspondence, photographs, financial, legal, speeches and business records, as well as the political, civic-related and public service records for which Jones is well known.
1841 - 2000
Ray Watkin Hoagland Strange personal papers
Identifier: MS 0506
The collection consists of the personal papers of Houston philanthropist Ray Watkin Hoagland Strange (1915-2011). The collection includes correspondence, financial, business and estate records and personal memorabilia of Ray Strange. Her father, William Ward Watkin, was Supervising Architect during the construction of the original Rice Institute campus and later the Dean of Architecture at Rice. Mrs. Strange was a friend and generous donor to Rice University for many years. The papers and...