Seminar Speaker Plaque (July 4, 2009): Presented from the Federation of Bangladeshi Associations in North America to Dr. Gor for her work as the Seminar Speaker at the FOBANA 2009 Convention
Scope and Contents
This is a collection of oral history interviews conducted by the Chao Center for Asian Studies at Rice University. This collection includes audio recordings and transcripts of interviews with the following Asian Americans native to Houston: Edward Chen, Esther Quan, Gene L. Lee, Lewis Yee, Jane Gee, George Gee, Viola Chan, Wea Lee, Eugenie Chen, and Hannah Chow. The interviewees include a former rocket scientist and high school chemistry teacher, a founding member of the Chinese American Citizens Alliance, a World War II veteran, and the publisher of a Chinese newspaper in Texas and owner of the first Chinese printing company in Houston.
There are currently 147 English language audio interviews in the collection, mostly dating from 2010-2015, with expectation that more new interviews will be added annually.
- Creation: 2003 - 2021
- From the Collection: Rice University Chao Center for Asian Studies (Owner, Organization)
Conditions Governing Access
This material is open for research.
Conditions Governing Access
Stored onsite at the Woodson Research Center.
From the Collection: 10 Linear Feet ( (16 boxes and digital objects))
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Woodson Research Center, Rice University, Houston, Texas Repository
Fondren Library MS-44, Rice University
6100 Main St.
Houston Texas 77005 USA