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Showing Collections A-Z: 11 - 20 of 41

Dr. Bill Wilson Collection

Identifier: UA 0449

This collection consists of four boxes containing books, media, and photographs documenting college history, student productions, and event from 1979 to 2008.

Dates: 1979 - 2008

Dr. William H. Masterson Controversy records

Identifier: UA 0068

Oral history interviews (tapes, cd's, transcripts), news releases, photographs, color slides, publications, campus directories, student papers relating to the five-day controversy which arose on the campus of Rice University in February 1969 following the appointment of Dr. William H. Masterson by the Board of Trustees as the university’s new President to succeed Kenneth Pitzer, who had resigned in August 1968.

Dates: bulk 1969

Elizabeth Baldwin Literary Society records

Identifier: UA 0289
Abstract The Elizabeth Baldwin Literary Society (EBLS) was founded in 1914 and named in honor of the second wife of William Marsh Rice. It was an active organization until the mid 1980s. In 1919, the literary society split to form another society, the Pallas Athene Literary Society (PALS). In 1924, an alumnae group for EBLS was formed. The records contain correspondence, scrapbooks, newsclippings regarding activities, programs from plays performed by the society, as well as correspondence and...
Dates: 1924 - 1984

Houston Canoe Club records

Identifier: MS 0598

Houston Canoe Club was established in 1964, and pursues all types of paddlesport, from canoeing to kayaking, quietwater, whitewater, touring and racing. The records in this collection reflect the club's activities such as meetings, events and training. Formats include meeting minutes, correspondence, photographs, financial records, event planning records and ephemera such as event t-shirts.

Dates: 1964-2009

Houston Hadassah collection

Identifier: MS 0775

This collection consists of twenty-seven boxes containing administrative materials, awards and certificates, bulletins, correspondence, directories, event materials, news clippings, photographs, radio and television materials, scrapbooks, and yearbooks from Houston Hadassah, spanning 1934-2022.

Dates: 1934 - 2022

Houston Philosophical Society Records

Identifier: UA 0076
Abstract: The Houston Philosophical Society was established in 1920 at the University Club in downtown Houston to bring together the intellectual community both on and off campus. Many members of the Rice University community have been invlode as leaders in the society. These records consist of minutes from the Executive Committee and general meetings, notices to members, treasurer's reports and other financial records, rosters and directories, new member nominations, constitutions and procedure...
Dates: 1808 - 2004; Majority of material found within 1940 - 2004

Jay Ginsburg Papers

Identifier: MS 0884

This collection consists of one box containing correspondence, directories, conference/convention materials, newclippings, speeches and programs from Jay Ginsburg during his involvement in Aleph Zadik Aleph, spanning from 1958-1966.

Dates: 1958 - 2021

Lack Family/Temple B'nai Israel [Victoria, TX] collection

Identifier: MS 0902

This collection is made up of one box containing administrative records, books, correspondences, news clippings, photographs, and programs from Temple B'nai Israel donated by the Lack Family, spanning from 1877-2019.

Dates: 1877 - 2019

Michael Bogdanow Young Judaea collection

Identifier: MS 1004

One box containing Texas-Oklahoma-Louisiana Young Judaea regional directories, Camp Young Judaea summer camp brochure, and T-O-L Outlook newletters document some activities undertaken by members of Young Judaea from 1961 to 1991.

Dates: 1961 - 1991

Owen Wister Literary Society (OWLS) Undergraduate and Alumnae records

Identifier: UA 0059

The collection consists of scrapbooks, minute books, financial records, and other materials relating to the founding and operation of both the Owen Wister Literary Society (OWLS) undergraduate group and the alumnae group, 1927-2002. OWLS was founded in 1924.

Dates: 1927 - 2010

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Correspondence 24
Jews and Jewish life 19
Universities and colleges 17
photographs 17
Programs (publications) 15
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Rice University 8
B'nai B'rith Youth Organization 2
Congregation Adath Yeshurun (Houston, Tex.) 2
Congregation Shearith Israel (Wharton, Tex) 2
Furman, Joshua, Dr. 2