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Showing Collections A-Z: 261 - 270 of 271

William B. Tragsdorf, Sr. Panama Canal Zone photographs and scrapbook

Identifier: MS 0067

This collection consists of photographs and printed materials concerning the Panama Canal and the Isthmus of Panama, collected by William E. Tragsdorf, an early U.S. civil service employee stationed at the Isthmus of Panama. Dates of materials range from 1905-1934, bulk 1905-1906.

Dates: 1905-1934; Majority of material found within 1905 - 1906

William “Bill” Camfield papers

Identifier: MS 0495

The papers of art historian William Camfield include correspondence concerning Rice University Cullinan Visiting Professors, gift of Mrs. George R. Brown for sculpture for Rice University Campus, photographs and slides, newspaper clippings and brochures of Rice exhibits and sculpture. Also included is material concerning the Rice Institute for the Arts. There are also tapes of lectures by Robert Irwin, Cullinan Lecturer.

Dates: 1925-1997; Majority of material found within 1982 - 1990

William H. Masterson papers

Identifier: MS 0613

The collection contains one series of Masterson's academic papers and one series related to his wife, Orvetta Masterson. Correspondence, newsclips, photographs, certificates, Rice-related brochures and information on the Masterson Fund are included.

Dates: 1940s-1980s

William M. McVey Papers

Identifier: MS 0026

The papers of sculptor William M. McVey include newsclippings, correspondence, photographs related to sculptures of McVey’s, and a scrapbook with photos and mementos of his student years at the Rice Institute.

Dates: 1922 - 1976

William Martin Academic Career Papers

Identifier: UA 0120

Collection contains the writings and publications of Dr. Martin’s distinguished career dealing with religion, drug policy, religious fundamentalism and its effect on popular culture/politics, Texas churches, and life as a cancer survivor.

Dates: 1960-1999

William Martin Religious Right research collection

Identifier: MS 0537

This collection consists of research materials compiled by William Martin, Rice University professor of sociology, during the course of his research on the Christian religious right in the United States, as well as fundamentalists, fundamentalist education, evangelists such as Billy Graham, and other aspects of conservative Christian organizations. The materials consists of correspondence, notes, videos, transcriptions of video interviews, pamphlets, and books.

Dates: 1975 - 2000

William V. Ballew, Jr. papers

Identifier: MS 0254

The collection consists of William V. Ballew, Jr.'s workpapers, correspondence, minutes, and news clippings relating to the Houston-Harris County Economic Opportunity Organization. William V. Ballew, Jr., a Houston attorney, served as Chairman, Board of Trustees, Houston-Harris County Economic Opportunities Committee, an organization that initiated welfare programs as part of President Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty.

Dates: 1965 - 1968

William Watson papers

Identifier: MS 0385

This collection contains the correspondence, manuscript verse, and proofs of poems of the poet Sir William Watson. Correspondents include R. Ellis Roberts, Clarence Winchester (of the Amalgamated Press), and T.N. Green-Armytage.

Dates: 1892-1935

Woman's Building of Houston - Milford House papers, 1894-1976

Identifier: MS 0388

The collection consists of the membership documents, organizational documents and memorabilia of the Woman's Building of Houston, an organization founded in 1925 that was devoted to the creation of a building that would serve as a cultural and social center for Houston women. After over twenty-five turbulent years of fundraising and patience, the organization saw success when Milford House officially opened in 1953.

Dates: 1894-1976

World War I Ellington Field Scrapbook

Identifier: MS 0698
Abstract Scrapbook contains images of aviation training at Ellington Field, a bombing and gunnery school located about 15 miles from Houston. The photographs show a wide range of camp life and training. They include individual officers in uniforms with a variety of aviation insignia, individuals in leather flight jackets and helmets, Curtis Jenny airplanes on the ground and in flight, pilots flying aircraft, and many bird's-eye views of the field and the surrounding area, particularly of Houston....
Dates: 1918

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Clippings (books, newspapers, etc.) 197
photographs 166
Correspondence 150
Records (documents) 88
Universities and colleges 78
∨ more
Jews and Jewish life 75
Albums (books) 64
Jewish Families 62
Programs (publications) 47
Social life and customs 39
Texas -- Houston 36
Books 34
Minutes (Records) 34
Women 34
Texas 29
Business 28
Newsletters 25
Reports 24
Collectibles 23
Politics and government 23
Sound recordings 23
Video recordings 22
Ephemera 20
Personal correspondence 20
Manuscripts 19
Religion 19
Art 18
Education 18
Asian Americans 17
Diaries 17
Directories 17
United States 17
newspapers 16
African Americans 15
Rice University 15
Speeches 14
World War (1939-1945) 14
Architecture 12
Legal instruments 12
Calendars 11
Informational works 11
Military 11
Yearbooks 11
Jewish Organizations and Businesses 10
Petroleum industry and trade 10
Synagogues 10
History 9
Authors 8
Civil rights 8
Posters 8
American Civil War (United States : 1861-1865) 7
Family histories 7
Interviews 7
Literature 7
Music 7
Sermons 7
Slides 7
College students 6
Constitutions 6
Guidebooks 6
Lectures 6
Maps 6
Oil and gas 6
Oral histories 6
Pamphlets 6
Philanthropists 6
Theater 6
Twentieth century 6
World War (1914-1918) 6
Chinese Americans 5
Church bulletins 5
College teachers 5
Health care and medicine 5
Law and legislation 5
Literature and society 5
Oil fields -- Equipment and supplies 5
Press releases 5
Artists 4
Banks and banking 4
Editorials 4
Enslavement 4
Genealogy 4
Journalism 4
Negatives (photographs) 4
Obituaries 4
Periodicals 4
Texas -- Galveston 4
Texas -- Harris County 4
Universities and colleges -- Faculty 4
Annual reports 3
Architects 3
Architectural drawings 3
Artists’ books 3
Athletics 3
Biographies 3
Charts, diagrams, etc. 3
Drawings 3
Environment 3
Illumination of books and manuscripts 3
Jewish day schools 3
+ ∧ less
English 265
Chinese 2
Latin 2
French 1
Persian 1
Rice University 35
Rice University--residential college system 6
Unknown 6
Rice University -- history. 5
Rice University. 5
∨ more
Congregation Adath Yeshurun (Houston, Tex.) 4
Congregation Beth Israel (Houston, Tex.) 4
B'nai B'rith Youth Organization 3
Congregation Beth Yeshurun (Houston, Tex) 3
Davidson, Chandler 3
Furman, Joshua, Dr. 3
Richards, Ann, 1933-2006 3
United Orthodox Synagogues of Houston (Houston, Tex.) 3
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 3
Autry family 2
Baker, James Addison 2
Baker, Rowena Crawford 2
Bentsen, Lloyd 2
Brown & Root, Inc. 2
Brown, Alice Pratt 2
Castaneda, Christopher James 2
Catholic Church 2
Congregation Adath Emeth (Houston, Tex.) 2
Congregation Adath Israel (Houston, Tex.) 2
Congregation Brith Shalom. (Bellaire, Tex) 2
Congregation Emanu El (Houston, Tex.) 2
Congregation Shearith Israel (Wharton, Tex) 2
Denn, Meyer 2
Dugger, Ronnie 2
Ferguson, Miriam Amanda 2
Huxley, Julian, 1887-1975 2
Huxley, Juliette, 1896-1994 2
James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy. 2
Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973 2
Jones, Jesse H. (Jesse Holman) 2
Levy, Vicki Samuels 2
Lovett, Edgar Odell 2
McVey, William M. 2
Pitzer, Kenneth S. (Kenneth Sanborn) 2
Rice University--residential college system. 2
Rogers, Karen Hess 2
Abramson, Ida Sue 1
Allen, Herbert 1
Alter, Fred C. 1
American Association of University Professors 1
American Defense Group 1
American Freedom Train Foundation 1
American Legion 1
American Republics Corporation 1
Anderson, Benjamin M. 1
Anderson, Clayton & Co 1
Anderson, Michael 1
Angel, Debbie 1
Angel, John 1
Anglican Church in North America 1
Antunes, George Edward 1
Armco Steel Corporation 1
Armeniades, Constantine D. 1
Armstrong, Dora 1
Askanase, Hilda (Graham) 1
Askanase, Reuben 1
Attenborough, David 1
Austin, Stephen F. (Stephen Fuller) 1
Autrey, Lynette Schneider 1
Autry, Hennie 1
Autry, Herbert 1
Autry, James Lockhart, 1830-1862 1
Autry, James Lockhart, II 1
Autry, Micajah 1
B'nai B'rith. Herzl Lodge No. 608 1
Baker College (Rice University) 1
Baker College (Rice University). 1
Baker family 1
Baker, Alice Graham 1
Baker, James Addison, 1930- 1
Baker, James Addison, Judge 1
Ballantyne Press. 1
Ballew, William V., Jr. 1
Barentine, Andy A. 1
Barish, David 1
Barish, Marvin 1
Barish, Shirley 1
Bass, Patty 1
Beckman, Francine N. 1
Bedford, Sybille, 1911-2006 1
Beer Bike cycling event 1
Belasco, Norman 1
Bell Family 1
Bell, David 1
Bell, Henrietta 1
Bell, Marian 1
Bering family 1
Bering, Louisa Neumann 1
Berman family 1
Berman, Morton 1
Berry, Frank Lee (Jr.) 1
Beth Jacob Congregation (Houston, Tex) 1
Binyon, Laurence, 1869-1943 1
Bishop, Lynette 1
Bistram, Emile, 1895-1976 1
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