Showing Collections A-Z: 51 - 60 of 66
Rice University, University Relations Dept. Economic Summit of Industrialized Nations records
Correspondence, notes, drafts, memos created and collected by the University Relations Department in support of their role as the University's media relations department for the 1990 Economic Summit of Industrialized Nations, hosted by Rice University.
Rice University's University Relations Audio-Video records
Audio and video related to the daily work of the Rice University Office of University Relations.
Richard F. Haines Ufology papers
The Richard F. Haines Ufology papers includes documents that cover the period between the 1970s and 2010s. It includes personal and professional correspondence, administrative documents of NARCAP and drafts of its research projects, Haines' own drafts and printouts for conference presentations. It also contains a large set of UFO photos with notes and photo analysis, and well as audio tapes with interviews of UFO witnesses, primarily commercial and military pilots.
Robert Avalon music collection
Shelby D. Goodman collection
The Shelby D. Goodman collection contains concept sketches and photographs of two of Goodman’s most influential buildings--the Jewish Federation of Greater Houston Building and the Kaplan Museum of Judaica. In addition, the collection has several religious group photographs, and six sound recordings of Jewish religious music, offering a rich insight into Jewish spaces and traditions in the community.
South Main Alliance records
Founded in March 1976 by business, institutional and civic leaders, the South Main Center Association is a private, non-profit community and economic development organization which represents the residential, commercial and institutional interests of the approximately 12.5 square mile South Main area located within the inner loop. In 2005, the South Main Center Association (SMCA) was renamed the South Main Alliance. These records reflect the daily business of the organization.
Space Services, Inc. records
This collection encompasses business records relating to Space Services’ administration and organization, the Contestoga and Starfire programs, launch sites, investors, customers, markets, relations with NASA, presentations and other materials from meetings, conferences, and seminars, and various assorted business files and records. It primarily consists of paper records, but also includes photographs, audio cassettes, VHS, Beta, and newspaper clippings.
Stewart Alexander Collection
This collection includes archival material and circa 300 books and journals related to the career of Stewart Alexander, a medium, living in the UK. The primary content is recorded seances led by Stewart Alexander. Formats of the archival material include audio cd's, reel to reel audiotape, audiocassettes, newsclippings, correspondence, videotapes. Books and journals will be cataloged separately and discoverable through the library's online catalog at
SwishaHouse record label collection
Photographs, promotional cards, posters, published interviews and music of Swisha House artists such as Paul Wall, Lil Mario, SLim Thug, Coota Bang, Michael 5000 Watts, Big Tyme, Lester Roy, Sabwarfare, Archie Lee, J Dawg and many others. Music is on audiocassette, LP album, and CD. Additionally, this collection features a large framed platinum record presented to CERCL to commemorate the sale 1 million copies of Paul Wall's The Peoples Champ album. (1 box plus framed platinum record)
The oH Project collection: Oral Histories of HIV/AIDS in Houston, Harris County, and Southeast Texas
Oral history interviews in audio and transcript format, including interview consent forms filed with the interviews. The primary subject matter is the experience of at least 100 long term survivors, physicians, activists, religious and political leaders and others impacted by HIV / AIDS epidemic in Houston, Harris County and Southeast Texas.