Showing Collections A-Z: 401 - 410 of 603
Rice University Dean of Natural Sciences records
This collection contains correspondence, proposals, reports, budgets, and other materials related primarily to grants administered by the Dean of Natural Sciences (William E. Gordon) during the 1960s and 1970s.
Rice University Dean of the Shepherd School of Music Search Committee records
Records reflecting the official business of the Shepherd School Dean Search Committee, 2002-2003, including documentation of faculty input, correspondence, candidate evaluations, potential candidate information, and candidate files.
Rice University Dean of Wiess School of Natural Sciences search
The materials were gathered during the 2008 search for a Dean of Wiess School of Natural Sciences at Rice University.
Rice University Department of Fine Arts records, John O'Neil, Chairman
This collection contains correspondence, memos, budgeting and accounting records, and other materials associated with the operation of the Fine Arts Department of Rice University from 1960-1969. The bulk of the material is from 1965 to 1968.
Rice University Department of Political Science Records
Correspondence documents the affairs of the Department of Political Science at Rice University between 1964 and 1967.
Rice University Department of Psychology records
Records of Dr. David Schneider's career at Rice University dealing with different aspects of Schneider’s career and works. These subseries include letters, e-mails, papers, department data, and evaluations involving Schneider and other faculty within the Psychology Department.
Rice University Development Office $33 Million Campaign records
This record group contains all the records of the Rice University $33 Million Campaign Office. Included are proposals, requests, reports, correspondence, brochures, and newsletters produced during the campaign.
Rice University Development Office Fund Council records
The records reflect the daily business of the Rice University Fund Council. The collection spans more than thirty years and consists of materials associated with the Council's annual meetings, committees, special events, fund raising activities, groundbreakings, dedications, and copies of correspondence from the President's office.
Rice University Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department records
Ecology and Environmental Biology records, including, but not limited to, Annual Reports, Budget Reports, Space Surveys, Faculty and Graduate Recruitment files, Correspondence and Memos. Also includes files and Annual Reports from the last decade of the Biology Department. Faculty members represented include, but are not limited to, Kathleen Matthews, Paul A. Harcombe, Ronald Sass, Stephen Subtelny, and Charles Philpott.
Rice University Edgar Odell Lovett College Records
Central Committee meeting minutes, college documents, such as the Constitution, Coat-of-Arms, member lists, telephone lists, Treasurer's reports, Masters files, theatrical productions, as well as correspondence, e-mail and news clippings related to Lovett College, the seventh residential college to be built at Rice University.