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John W. Clark, Jr. Bioengineering Department records

Identifier: UA 0412

The collection consists of materials from Dr. John W. Clark, Jr., professor in both the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Department of Bioengineering at Rice University. The collection also includes records of Dr. Clark’s participation in the work of several university committees, specifically Parking, Graduate Student, Admissions, and the Library. In addition there is material prepared for evaluation of courses to determine ABET accreditation in 2005.

Dates: 1989 - 2011

Jones Graduate School of Management image collection

Identifier: UA 0402

The collection consists of images in a variety of formats of people, buildings, and events and programs associated with the Jones Graduate School of Business since its early years in the laste seventies until the first decade of the 2000s.

Dates: 1977 - 2003

Joseph I. Davies papers

Identifier: MS 0286

The Davies papers include papers, lecture notes, glass slides, and transparencies produced by Joseph I. Davies, who came to Rice Institute (later Rice University) in 1914 with Julian Huxley as his lab assistant, later received his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees from Rice, and from 1929 to 1966 served as a member of the Rice faculty. The glass slides and transparencies taken by Davies include scenes of the early development of the Rice campus as well as later campus scenes and individuals.

Dates: 1924 - 1966

Joseph W. Chamberlain Space Physics correspondence

Identifier: MS 0319

This collection is composed of the letters of Joseph W. Chamberlain, retired Professor of Space Physics and Astronomy at Rice University, Houston, Texas. It consists of correspondence in his specialized research areas.

Dates: 1955 - 1980

Julian Huxley letter to G. W. N. Eggers

Identifier: MS 0057

Personal letter from biologist Sir Julian Huxley to his student G.W. Hordholtz Eggers regarding their time working together in the biology lab at Rice Institute.

Dates: 1916

Julian Huxley letter to Mr. Fred Dyke

Identifier: MS 0058

Personal letter from biologist Sir Julian Huxley to Mr. Fred Dyke, a Rice Institute student, in regards to meeting for tea.

Dates: 1914

Kathleen S. Matthews academic papers

Identifier: UA 0149

These records consist of the academic and Rice University-related work, correspondence, course materials, publications, and student work of Kathleen S. Matthews.

Dates: 1973 - 2020

Lynette S. Autrey papers

Identifier: MS 0051

This collection of materials relates generally to the personal life of Lynette S. Autrey and her family. The Autreys were Houston entrepreneurs and philanthropists, contributing significant gifts of land and funds to Rice University, among other institutions, in support of the humanities, social sciences, and business.

Dates: 1913 - 1998; Majority of material found within 1913 - 1978

Merchants and Planters Oil Company archives

Identifier: MS 0260

Correspondence, contracts, credit reports, and leases in this collection document the business of Houston, Texas based Merchants & Planters Oil Company, particularly during the last period of its existence, 1930 through 1941. This company was owned by William Marsh Rice and associated with Rice Institute after Mr. Rice's death.

Dates: 1894 - 1945; Majority of material found within

NSF ADVANCE Project for Institutional Transformation of Rice University records

Identifier: UA 0330

The collection consists of materials created by participants in the NSF-funded ADVANCE Project, which was undertaken to increase the participation of women faculty and faculty of color in the departments of science, technology, engineering, and math at Rice University. There are records of meetings, surveys, workshops, research articles, and electronic versions of sponsored events.

Dates: 2004 - 2010

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  • Names: Rice University X

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Universities and colleges 205
Correspondence 124
Records (documents) 92
photographs 47
Rice University 40
∨ more
Minutes (Records) 38
Education 36
Reports 34
Texas 32
Clippings (books, newspapers, etc.) 31
College students 20
Social life and customs 20
Programs (publications) 18
Universities and colleges -- Administration 15
Business 12
Universities and colleges -- Faculty 12
Architecture 11
Texas -- Houston 11
Women 11
Video recordings 10
Collectibles 9
Sound recordings 9
Directories 8
Ephemera 8
Manuscripts 8
Art 7
Sports 7
Albums (books) 6
Editorials 6
Oral histories 6
Diaries 5
Lectures 5
Legal instruments 5
Newsletters 5
Slides 5
Syllabi 5
Academic libraries 4
African Americans 4
Alumni and alumnae 4
Architectural drawings 4
Authors 4
Biographies 4
Contracts 4
Environment 4
Handbooks and manuals 4
Interviews 4
Music 4
Physics 4
Politics and government 4
Speeches 4
Twentieth century 4
Academic theses 3
Annual reports 3
Biologists 3
Calendars 3
Chemistry 3
College presidents 3
College teachers 3
Commencement ceremonies 3
Drawings 3
Engineering 3
Maps 3
Press releases 3
Research 3
Segregation in higher education 3
Theater 3
Theater -- Production and direction 3
United States 3
World War (1939-1945) 3
newspapers 3
American literature 2
Architects 2
Biochemistry 2
Biology 2
Buckminsterfullerene 2
Chemical engineering -- Study and teaching 2
Civil rights 2
College buildings 2
College publications 2
College sports 2
College student newspapers and periodicals 2
Computer programming 2
Courts 2
Deeds 2
Education, Higher 2
Enslavement 2
Fund raising 2
Health care and medicine 2
Informational works 2
Laboratories--Study and teaching 2
Libraries 2
Lists 2
Literature 2
Military 2
Nanotechnology 2
Negatives (photographs) 2
Nobel prizes 2
Obituaries 2
Periodicals 2
Petroleum industry and trade 2
+ ∧ less
Huxley, Julian 4
Rice University -- history. 4
Baker, James Addison 3
Unknown 3
Autry family 2
∨ more
Davies, Joseph Ilott 2
Houston, W. V. (William Vermillion) 2
Matthews, Kathleen S. 2
Minter, David 2
Rice University Office of Resource Development 2
Rice University--residential college system 2
Rice University. "R" Association 2
Rice University. Office of the President 2
Rice, William Marsh 2
Smalley, Richard E. 2
Alley Theatre (Houston, Tex.) 1
American Legion 1
American Republics Corporation 1
Armstrong, Dora 1
Auston, David 1
Autrey, Lynette Schneider 1
Autry, Hennie 1
Autry, Herbert 1
Autry, James Lockhart, II 1
Autry, Micajah 1
Baker College (Rice University) 1
Baker, James Addison, 1930- 1
Bean, Gloria 1
Beer Bike cycling event 1
Bethje, C. L. 1
Bethje, Eliza 1
Blayney, Thomas Lindsey 1
Blumberg, Stephen Carrie 1
Bond, Mary 1
Brandenberger, Eleanor 1
Brotzen, Franz R. 1
Brunner, Bertha 1
Bulbrook, Harry Marshall 1
Carleton College (Northfield, Minn.) 1
Castaneda, James A. 1
Chamberlain, Joseph W. (Joesph Wyan) 1
Cole, Frances 1
Cooper , Keith 1
Crabbe, Julia 1
Cunningham, Edna Mae 1
Curl, Robert F. 1
Dennard, Kathryn 1
Djerejian, Edward P. 1
Dupree, Edmund McAshan 1
Dyke, Fred Mills 1
Eggers, G.W. Nordholtz 1
Elliott family 1
Elliott, Card G. 1
Elliott, Mary Alice 1
Elliott, Mary Malone 1
Engstron, Verena 1
Fidelity Insurance, Trust and Safe Deposit Company 1
Fondren Library 1
Fondren, Ella F. 1
Garfield, Lewis 1
Gordon, William E. 1
Greanias, George 1
Grob, Alan, 1932-2007 1
Hackerman, Norman 1
Hamilton, Allene 1
Houston Art League 1
Houston YMCA (Houston, Tex.) 1
Hudspeth, Hank 1
Hughes, Howard 1
Humble Oil and Refining Company (Incorporated in Tex.) 1
Hyman, Harold 1
Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Administration 1
Johnson, Eric 1
Kennedy, Bernice 1
Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald) 1
Kennedy, Ken 1
Kinsey, James 1
Kirkland, William A. 1
Kuhn, Alma 1
Lane, Neal F. 1
Lawrence, Lee 1
LeGrand, Mary Margaret 1
Levin, Donald N. 1
Levy, Eugene H. (Eugene Howard) 1
Loewenheim, Francis L., Dr. 1
Long, Elizabeth 1
Lovett College (Rice University) 1
Lovett, Edgar Odell 1
Lunn, Edwin N. 1
Manning, Maxine 1
Masterson, William H. (William Henry) 1
McElroy, Claude Addison 1
McGonigle, Ruth Y. 1
McKeag, Sally 1
McNeely, Holmes 1
McReynolds, Jennie 1
Methodist Hospital (Houston, Tex.) 1
Mexico Fuel Oil Company 1
Michal, Aristotle D. 1
+ ∧ less