Showing Collections A-Z: 1 - 4 of 4
Aristotle Demetrius Michal Mathematics class notes
This collection consists of the school notes of Aristotle D. Michal from when he attended Rice Institute from 1921-1925 while studying for his Ph. D. in Mathematics
Harry Boyer Weiser chemistry offprints
Contains offprints of articles written by early Rice chemistry professor Harry Boyer Weiser between 1913 and 1950. The collection includes a complete bibliography of articles and books written by Weiser as well as some personal correspondence between Weiser and Rice Institute President E.O Lovett.
Joseph W. Chamberlain Space Physics correspondence
This collection is composed of the letters of Joseph W. Chamberlain, retired Professor of Space Physics and Astronomy at Rice University, Houston, Texas. It consists of correspondence in his specialized research areas.
T.W. Bonner Physics Laboratory records, Rice University
Physics course evaluations, grant funded research applications, experiment notes, related to the T.W. Bonner Lab at Rice University.