Showing Collections A-Z: 1141 - 1150 of 1310
Sklar Family papers
The Sklar Family papers contain photographs and certificates relevant to the Sklar family, such as Fred Sklar’s confirmation certificate and bar mitzvah materials. The papers offer a look at institutions such as the B’nai B’rith Youth Organization and Congregation Beth Jacob, and the ceremonies that tie families and communities together.
Skylander newsletters of 3605th A&E Ellington Air Force Base
The Skylander Newsletter Collection consists of the Skylander Newsletters created by Editor Don Bell for the members of the Ellington Field Air Force Base’s 3605th Armament and Electronics Maintenance Squadron. The collection is a complete run from 1999 to 2016.
S.L. Wisenberg family papers
This collections is made up of congregation Beth Yeshurun Anniversary/Dedication books and two scrapbooks containing photographs, school report cards, programs, newspaper clippings, agendas, and correspondence document the interests and activities of S.L. Wisenberg as a child between 1961 and 2001.
Small illuminated sacred manuscripts
Three leaves of rare 13th and 15th century Catholic liturgical manuscripts, hand drawn and beautifully illustrated on vellum.
Society of Rice University Women (SRUW) Records
Records documenting the daily business of the Society of Rice University Women, including membership information, financial records and activity scrapbooks. Formats include membership lists, treasurer’s reports, bank records, meeting minutes, event flyers, scrapbooks, photographs, and yearbooks.
Sol B. Weiner Papers
The collection consists of one folder consisting of an event program, photographs, and a photocopy from Beth Yeshurun's newsletter, The Message, documents a few events in the life of Sol B. Weiner from 1960 to 1985.
Sol Schwartz family collection
The Sol Schwartz family collection provides an in-depth look at the experiences of a Jewish family growing up in Houston, particularly through Alex Schwartz’ Autobiography and the Board Minutes he took for Congregation Rodefei Sholom. With its American Mizrachi Women Chapter Directory, Column by Rabbi Segal praising Alex Schwartz, and the Torah awarded Sol Schwartz, the collection showcases multiple family members and their contributions to the Houston Jewish community.
SOLAR records
This collection contains records related to the Society of Latino Alumni of Rice (SOLAR).