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Showing Collections A-Z: 311 - 320 of 455

Rice University Office of Institutional Research records

Identifier: UA 0190

These records reflect the daily business of the Office of Institutional Research, which administrates grant funded projects at Rice University. Types of records include Information Requests, Rice Facts, Rice University Profiles, New Faculty, Reading Files, and more.

Dates: 1990 - 2006

Rice University Office of Media Services, News & Publications collection

Identifier: UA 0042

Photocopies of news articles featuring Rice University collected in weekly packet with accompaining indexes.

Dates: 1987 - 2004

Rice University Office of News and Media Relations videos collection

Identifier: UA 0214

The Rice University Office of News and Media Relations keeps the media and the institution’s community informed about the latest campus developments. They research, develop and share press releases and record special events on video or audio. That charge led to this collection that consists mostly of VHS tapes which contain news broadcasts and raw footage covering Rice University events or featuring speakers representing Rice University on many topics.

Dates: 1990 - 2008

Rice University Office of Resource Development, Corporate and Foundation Relations photographs

Identifier: UA 0133

This collection includes photographs from the Office of Resource Development’s 2000 fundraising events.

Dates: 2000

Rice University Office of Resource Development, Vice President for Resource Development, Eric Johnson

Identifier: UA 0196

This collection includes a variety of files that reflect the daily affairs of the Vice President for Resource Development’s office, Rice University Office of Resource Development.

Dates: 1996 - 2007

Rice University Office of Vice-President for Enrollment records

Identifier: UA 0182

These records were generated by the Office of the VP for Enrollment from 1993 to 2005. The office oversees the Office of Admissions, Enrollment Operations and Student Financial Services. The record types include statistics, policies and procedures, planning and management studies, and general information.

Dates: 1993 - 2005

Rice University: One Hundred Years in Pictures, manuscripts and publishing records

Identifier: UA 0319

Committee records, manuscript drafts, print and digital images, and reviews document the process undertaken by the Rice Historical Society to organize and have published: Rice University: One Hundred Years in Pictures.

Dates: 2009 - 2014

Rice University Parking Committee records

Identifier: UA 0235

The collection consists of records of the work of the presidentially appointed committee of faculty, staff, and students responsible for planning parking arrangements and policies for the Rice campus. Among the subjects discussed were fees for parking in varied locations, costs of the bus system, and the installation of a traffic light at the Rice Boulevard campus boundary.

Dates: 1996 - 2001

Rice University Past faculty and staff records

Identifier: UA 0008

Correspondence, memoranda, and reports relating to faculty and professional employees no longer associated with Rice University. Includes permanent and temporary appointments.

Dates: 1915-2013

Rice University Photograph Files

Identifier: UA 0363

This collection includes individual files for photographs of Rice related persons, photographs of Rice University views, interiors, and buildings, photographs of Rice related events, and more. The contents are donated by Rice community members and/or gathered by the Woodson Research Staff, and represent one of the most heavily used portions of the University archives.

Dates: 1910 - 2015

Filtered By

  • Subject: Universities and colleges X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Universities and colleges 450
Correspondence 237
Records (documents) 160
Rice University 128
photographs 102
∨ more
Education 82
Minutes (Records) 77
Clippings (books, newspapers, etc.) 70
Reports 67
Texas 46
Social life and customs 43
Programs (publications) 28
Women 28
College students 27
Video recordings 24
Collectibles 23
Texas -- Houston 23
Universities and colleges -- Administration 23
Architecture 22
Lectures 20
Manuscripts 20
Universities and colleges -- Faculty 20
Sports 19
Directories 17
Ephemera 17
Sound recordings 17
Business 16
Informational works 14
Politics and government 14
Architectural drawings 12
Calendars 12
Speeches 12
Syllabi 12
Albums (books) 11
College teachers 11
Art 10
Constitutions 10
Editorials 10
Legal instruments 10
Oral histories 10
Slides 10
Alumni and alumnae 9
Diaries 9
Architects 8
Athletics 8
Engineering 8
Literature 8
United States 8
World War (1939-1945) 8
newspapers 8
College sports 7
Interviews 7
Newsletters 7
Religion 7
Academic libraries 6
African Americans 6
Environment 6
Guidebooks 6
Music 6
Twentieth century 6
Annual reports 5
College presidents 5
Contracts 5
Drawings 5
Education, Higher 5
Health care and medicine 5
Jews and Jewish life 5
Law and legislation 5
Literature and society 5
Maps 5
Nanotechnology 5
Personal correspondence 5
Press releases 5
Research 5
Anthropology 4
Bioengineering 4
Charts, diagrams, etc. 4
Chemical engineering -- Study and teaching 4
Chemists 4
Courts 4
Criticism, interpretation, etc. 4
Enslavement 4
Family histories 4
Handbooks and manuals 4
Military 4
Negatives (photographs) 4
Periodicals 4
Physics 4
Residential colleges 4
Academic theses 3
Agriculture 3
Asian Americans 3
Authors 3
Biochemistry 3
Biographies 3
Biology 3
Books 3
Chemistry 3
Commencement ceremonies 3
Computer programming 3
+ ∧ less
English 453
German 2
French 1
Hebrew 1
Rice University 205
Rice University. 34
Rice University -- history. 7
Rice University--residential college system 6
Rice University. Office of the President 6
∨ more
Baker, James Addison 4
Unknown 4
Auston, David 3
Baker, James Addison, 1930- 3
Davidson, Chandler 3
Hackerman, Norman 3
Houston, W. V. (William Vermillion) 3
Huxley, Julian 3
Lovett, Mary Ellen Hale 3
Matthews, Kathleen S. 3
Pitzer, Kenneth S. (Kenneth Sanborn) 3
Rice University--residential college system. 3
Rice University. "R" Association 3
Smalley, Richard E. 3
Adams, John A. S. (John Allan Stewart), 1926- 2
Baker College (Rice University) 2
Baker, Rowena Crawford 2
Baker, Walter Browne, Jr., 1925-1994 2
Bean, Gloria 2
Brotzen, Franz R. 2
Cannady, William 2
Castaneda, James A. 2
Fondren Library 2
Gillis, Malcolm 2
Grob, Alan, 1932-2007 2
Gruber, Ira D., Dr. 2
Haskell, Thomas L. 2
Hispanic Association for Cultural Enrichment at Rice (HACER) 2
Houston Art League 2
Houston, W. V. (William Vermillion) , 1900- 2
James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy. 2
Kinsey, James 2
Long, Elizabeth 2
Lovett, Edgar Odell, 1871-1957 2
Lovett, H. Malcolm (Henry Malcolm), 1902-1997 2
Lovett, Martha Wicks 2
Martel, Marian 2
Martel, Speros 2
Martin, William C. (William Curtis) 2
McVey, William M. 2
Minter, David 2
Mitchell, O. Jack 2
Office of Alumni Affairs, Rice University 2
Patten, Robert L. 2
Rice Historical Society 2
Rice Hotel (Houston, Tex.) 2
Rice University Office of Resource Development 2
Rice University Press 2
Rice University School of Architecture 2
Rice University. Department of Geology and Geophysics 2
Rice University. Office of the Provost 2
Rice, William Marsh 2
Riedel, Brian 2
Smith, Roland B., Jr. 2
Wiess, Harry Carothers 2
Akers, William W. 1
Allen, Herbert 1
Alter, Fred C. 1
American Association of University Professors 1
American Defense Group 1
American Legion 1
American Society for Psychical Research 1
Andre, Lilibeth 1
Angel, John 1
Aresu, Bernard, 1944- 1
Armeniades, Constantine D. 1
Arnold, Agnes Cullen 1
Arthur, Percy 1
Autrey, Robert 1
Awapara, Jorge, 1918-2005 1
Axson, Stockton 1
Ayars, Louise 1
Baker College (Rice University). 1
Baker family 1
Baker, Adelaide Lovett 1
Baker, Alice Graham 1
Baker, Bonner Means 1
Baker, James Addison, 1857-1941 1
Baker, James Addison, Judge 1
Bale, Allen "Red" 1
Bass, Patty 1
Bath, Harriet, 1914-2006 1
Beer Bike cycling event 1
Belt, Ruth 1
Birenbaum, Lisa 1
Bishop, Lynette 1
Bixby, Mary 1
Blaffer, John Hepburn, 1913-1973 1
Blaffer, Joyce 1
Blaffer, Robert E. Lee, 1873-1942 1
Blaffer, Sarah Campbell, 1885-1975 1
Blaffer, Titi, 1919-2006 1
Blayney, Thomas Lindsey 1
Boles, John B. 1
Bonner, Jara 1
+ ∧ less