Showing Collections A-Z: 121 - 130 of 455
Keith McGee "Skylab Student Project" papers
The Keith McGee papers consist of correspondence, publications, and miscellaneous material collected while working on the “Skylab Student Project” at the Johnson Space Center in 1973. The collection includes photos, typed correspondence, printed material, and films.
Ken Kennedy academic records
This material reflects the multifaceted career of computer science pioneer Ken Kennedy, of Rice University. Ken Kennedy was the founder of Rice University's nationally ranked computer science program and one of the world's foremost experts on high-performance computing.
Konstantin Kolenda papers
The majority of this collection consists of Kolenda’s own writing (notes, drafts, source material). The next largest group consists of source material only on four philosophers (Peirce, Rorty, Ryle and Wittgenstein). There is a small quantity of Kolenda correspondence, course material, and Will Rice College material, as well as some National Endowment for the Humanities material.
Lars Lerup Academic and Professional papers
These papers consist of the academic and professional papers of Lars Lerup the former Dean of the Rice School of Architecture, 1993-2009.
Lia Unrau science news research files
Research files compiled by Lia Unrau during her tenure as Science Editor in the Office of Media Relations and Information at Rice University (1995-2001), consisting of notes, press releases, news clippings, photographs, and related ephemera.
Lynne Huffer papers on Benefits Equality at Rice University
Margarett Root Brown College Masters' Records
This collection consists of materials collected by former Masters of Brown College, Rice University.
Marguerite Johnston Barnes Personal Papers
The bulk of these papers represent Barnes’ writing and journalism career, from her early college years to her lengthy career at the Houston Post newspaper. Included are photocopies of her articles, columns, reviews and editorials, typescripts of her works, photographs, and a small amount of family and biographical materials.
Mark Kulstad academic papers
The academic papers of Mark Kulstad contain hand-written notes from his graduate studies, hand-written comments on his drafts of published articles on Leibniz, Spinoza, Descartes and Locke, his published articles on Leibniz, Spinoza, and Descartes, his hand-written notes from History of Philosophy conferences, and student's hand-written evaluations of his work at Rice.
Mary Fosselman Papers
This collection consists of the personal and academic papers of Mary Fosselman.