Showing Collections A-Z: 111 - 120 of 455
John W. Clark, Jr. Bioengineering Department records
The collection consists of materials from Dr. John W. Clark, Jr., professor in both the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Department of Bioengineering at Rice University. The collection also includes records of Dr. Clarkâs participation in the work of several university committees, specifically Parking, Graduate Student, Admissions, and the Library. In addition there is material prepared for evaluation of courses to determine ABET accreditation in 2005.
Jones Graduate School of Administration - Council of Overseers records
Records of meetings of the Council of Overseers, Jones Graduate School of Administration, including agendas, table of contents, by-laws and consitutions, minutes, membership lists, financial information, publicity and other material presented at the meetings.
Jones Graduate School of Administration - Rice Accounting Council records
The collection consists of files of meetings of the Rice Accounting Council from ca 1975-1988. The files may include agendas, table of contents, by-laws and constitutions, minutes, membership lists, financial information, publicity and other material presented at the meetings.
Jones Graduate School of Management image collection
The collection consists of images in a variety of formats of people, buildings, and events and programs associated with the Jones Graduate School of Business since its early years in the laste seventies until the first decade of the 2000s.
Jorge Awapara publications
Publications by Dr. Jorge Awapara, arranged in order chronologically.
Josef Nadler academic papers
Personal correspondence, and reviews of German author and professor of history of literature Josef Nadler's publications, as well as unpublished mss. of Nadler's writings, and seminar papers presented to him while he was a professor. The collection also includes research notes and materials on J.G. Hamann, such as bibliographical information, and other information on him, his philosophy, or his impact.
Joseph Horace Pound papers
This collection contains the academic papers and published articles of Joseph Horace Pound, Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering at Rice University.
J.T. McCants research material for book entitled: Some Information Concerning the Rice Institute
This collection contains research materials, the original typescript, and photocopies of Some Information Concerning the Rice Institute, written by J.T. McCants in 1955. The text deals with the early history of the Rice Institute, describing its founder, the general plan, first buildings, formal opening, and the first academic year.
Julian Huxley letter to G. W. N. Eggers
Personal letter from biologist Sir Julian Huxley to his student G.W. Hordholtz Eggers regarding their time working together in the biology lab at Rice Institute.
Kathleen S. Matthews academic papers
These records consist of the academic and Rice University-related work, correspondence, course materials, publications, and student work of Kathleen S. Matthews.