Showing Collections A-Z: 271 - 280 of 603
Kelley Industries Inc. business records
The Kelley Industries Inc. business records reflect the daily business of this Houston based corporation from 1936-1986, from the perspective of Edward Kelley, Jr., President and CEO from 1959-1981.
Ken Kennedy academic records
This material reflects the multifaceted career of computer science pioneer Ken Kennedy, of Rice University. Ken Kennedy was the founder of Rice University's nationally ranked computer science program and one of the world's foremost experts on high-performance computing.
Kenneth Clark and Julian Huxley Correspondence
Correspondence between biologist Julian Huxley to art historian Kenneth Clark, including some letters between their wives Juliette Huxley and Jane Clark, regarding art, artists, financing films of animals, Clark’s television series, both Clark’s and Huxley’s books, the Zoological Society of London, British Candidates for the Nobel Prize, WWII government projects, and personal matters. Huxley was Assistant Professor of Biology at Rice Institute (1913-1916).
Kezia Payne DePelchin letters
The collection consists of a bound volume of 28 letters, the majority of which were written by Mrs. Kezia Payne DePelchin (1828-1893) to her sister, describing her experiences as a nurse during the yellow fever epidemic of 1878 in Tennessee, Mississippi and Alabama. The volume also includes letters from E. Kate Heckle, a friend and fellow nurse, to DePelchin, describing some of her own experiences during the same epidemic.
Kirby Petroleum Company / George Sawtelle Executive Records
Kiwanis Club of Houston records
This collection comprises records of the Kiwanis Club of Houston’s board of directors, committees, projects, finances, conventions, and retired members, as well as records from the Kiwanis Foundation of Houston, the Kiwanis Texas-Oklahoma District, and Kiwanis International.
Kristal Family Papers
The collection consists of one box of correspondence to members of the Kristal family from 1921 to 1925, including two wedding invitations, and one news clipping. The majority of the correspondence is in Yiddish and much of it is from relatives in the Poland.
Kuntz Louisiana U.S. Civil War collection
Correspondence, military documents, posters, receipts, and clippings chiefly relating to the Civil War in New Orleans and Louisiana. Includes bills of sale and lists of slaves, correspondence to Thomas Overton Moore, governor of Louisiana, and from Jefferson Davis.
L. Ruth Wells Cahill Historical Letter
The collection consists of a single letter written by L. Ruth Wells Cahill, describing her journey from her hometown of Shreve, Ohio through Chicago south to Houston by train, and speculation about plans for the incipient "Rice Institute" once she arrived there.
Lack Family/Temple B'nai Israel [Victoria, TX] collection
This collection is made up of one box containing administrative records, books, correspondences, news clippings, photographs, and programs from Temple B'nai Israel donated by the Lack Family, spanning from 1877-2019.