Showing Collections A-Z: 201 - 210 of 233
Rice University Task Force on Slavery, Segregation and Racial Injustice records
These records contain materials generated by the Task Force on Slavery, Segregation and Racial Injustice.
Rice University The Rice Thresher records
These records mostly include the photographs and negatives taken by "The Rice Thresher's" photographers, as well as research and issues pertaining to Rice University's student newspaper.
Rice University Theses/Dissertations microforms
This collection consists of microform versions of Rice theses and dissertations.
Rice University Thresher student newspaper editor (Brady Tyson) papers
The collection consists of 1948 and 1949 correspondence with Brady Tyson, editor of the Rice Thresher; his editorials favoring admission of qualified African Americans to Rice Institute; and newspaper reports on the Tyson material and public response to it. The content ends with President Huston’s letter to the editor of the Thresher, pointing out that Rice was chartered for white students only.
Rice University Treasurer's Office records regarding Town Lot Sales Records and Rice Hotel and Houston Endowment
The collection consists of sales/payment records, tax records, maps, deeds, and correspondence concerning the town lots received by the Rice Institute from the Rice Estate and others purchased in later years. Also included are deeds, construction contracts, inventories, tax records, and correspondence concerning the Rice Hotel and 99-year lease with the Houston Endowment.
Rice University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee records
The collection consists of records of the work of the faculty Committee on the Undergraduate Curriculum over the period 1966 through 1990. There are membership lists, meeting minutes, reports, memoranda, and correspondence. Topics covered include general graduation requirements, specific requirements in particular departments, evaluation of particular programs, student advising, curriculum revision, and debate about credit for Advanced Placement courses.
Rice University Vice President for Enrollment search records (Ann Wright)
Records related to the search committee for the position of Vice President for Enrollment, which served from 1998-1999.
Rice University Vice President for Student Affairs records: Ronald Stebbings, 1969-1985
Rice University Vice President of Finance and Administration office records
Rice University Vice Provost and University Librarian search records (Sara Lowman)
These records reflect the business of the Vice Provist and University Librarian search committee of 2007, whose efforts resulted in the hiring of Sara Lowman.