Showing Collections A-Z: 1281 - 1290 of 1311
William Marsh Rice business and estate ledgers
The business records of William Marsh Rice comprise data on his personal investments, his estate records and those of the Institute: ledgers; journals; cash books; day books; check registers; tax records; bank statements; land surveys; payroll and student accounts; letters to and from Rice himself, family members, business associates, employees, and the administrators of his estate.
William Martin Academic Career Papers
Collection contains the writings and publications of Dr. Martin’s distinguished career dealing with religion, drug policy, religious fundamentalism and its effect on popular culture/politics, Texas churches, and life as a cancer survivor.
William Martin Religious Right research collection
This collection consists of research materials compiled by William Martin, Rice University professor of sociology, during the course of his research on the Christian religious right in the United States, as well as fundamentalists, fundamentalist education, evangelists such as Billy Graham, and other aspects of conservative Christian organizations. The materials consists of correspondence, notes, videos, transcriptions of video interviews, pamphlets, and books.
William Motherwell letters and notes
Letters and fragments of notes by William Motherwell with no common theme other than the frequent mention of Robert Burns.
William P. Hobby Jr. & Diana Poteat Hobby Family Collection
The collection includes Diana P. Hobby's writing and research notes, from the early 1950s to 2014, focused on her study of William Butler Yeats. The bulk of the collection consists of family photographs and slides from the Hobby family's worldwide travels and their frequent visits to Ireland, and to Diana Hobby's family farm in North Carolina, Forest Home, along with their equestiran endeavors and competitions, and their lives and friends in Houston, TX.
William S. Glass financial papers
The Glass financial papers are primarily a collection of records and receipts of purchases and land sales gathered during the course of Glass' activities as receiver of revenue during the U.S. Civil War.
William Stewart Rose letter
This collection contains a letter by William Stewart Rose, British poet and translator, to Mr. Sotheby at his auction rooms near Waterloo bridge, complaining that not only was the sale of his books to take place in Whitsun but that the Stokes Park Library was being sold at the same time. He requests that catalogues be sent to various people, including Lady Caroline Lamb and Mr. Murray.
William T. Cannady academic papers
Academic papers of Rice University professor and architect, William T. Cannady.
William T. Cannady Architectural Projects records
These records include architectural drawings, renderings and project documentation related to the work of William T. Cannady. As a Professor of Architecture at Rice University since 1964, Cannady teaches both undergraduate and graduate design studios, and is a practicing architect.
William V. Ballew, Jr. papers
The collection consists of William V. Ballew, Jr.'s workpapers, correspondence, minutes, and news clippings relating to the Houston-Harris County Economic Opportunity Organization. William V. Ballew, Jr., a Houston attorney, served as Chairman, Board of Trustees, Houston-Harris County Economic Opportunities Committee, an organization that initiated welfare programs as part of President Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty.