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Showing Collections A-Z: 81 - 90 of 271

Frank Briggs Mohole Project Papers

Identifier: MS 0401
Abstract: This collection contains plans for and information about Project Mohole, a cooperative effort between the United States government and the scientific community to drill a hole through the outer crust of the earth to what is called the “Mohorovicic Discontinuity” or Moho, the boundary between the Earth's crust and the mantle. Also included in this collection are magazine and news articles, correspondence, designs, and other information about the project. Also, Frank Brigg’s unpublished...
Dates: 1962-1966

Frank L. Berry, Jr. family papers

Identifier: MS 0564

The collection documents the history of Frank Lee Berry, Jr. and his family. Included are photographs, correspondence, genealogical information, and family records.

Dates: 1876-2004

Frankie Carter Randolph papers

Identifier: MS 0372

The papers of Frankie Carter Randolph (1894-1972), longtime leader of Texas liberal Democrats, include correspondence, documents, newsclippings, photographs, oral history interviews and other materials that chronicle her political activism in Texas during the 1950s and 1960s. Issues include the Poll Tax, labor law, African Americans, and social programs.

Dates: 1913 - 1983

Fred C. Alter papers

Identifier: UA 0335

The Fred C. Alter papers contain correspondence, memorabilia, Rice notebooks, a personal scrapbook, photographs, and material related to the Robert P. Quin Award.

Dates: 1924 - 2008

Freed/Fisherman Family Papers

Identifier: MS 0974

The collection is made up of three boxes and one map-drawer containing awards and certificates, correspondence, event materials, photographs, posters, and publications from the Freed/Fisherman family, spanning 1915 to 2011.

Dates: 1915 - 2011

Gaber / Kline Family Papers

Identifier: MS 0854

This collection is made up of four boxes containing certificates, correspondence, event materials, memorabilia, news clippings, photographs, scrapbooks, and publications from the Gaber/Kline Family, spanning from 1916 to 2017.

Dates: 1916 - 2017

Gee Family Association papers

Identifier: MS 1018

The Gee Family Association (GFA) is an organization of generations of Gees and their extended families. This collection includes print materials such as event flyers and programs, genealogies, and circa 20 photographs, primarily regarding the activities of the Gee Family Association in Houston, Texas.

Dates: 1986 - 2018

Geller and allied families papers

Identifier: MS 0768

This collection contains photographs, clippings, correspondence, and newsletters related to members of the Geller and Leff families from 1896 to 2022.

Dates: 1896 - 2022

Gene & Hedy Lee Chinese community newspapers & photographs, and family records

Identifier: MS 0556
Abstract Newspaper issues of the Southwest Chinese Journal (cataloged separately), photographs submitted to the newspaper for publication purposes and a small amount of correspondence regarding the Lee Printing Company of Houston, Texas, owned by Gene and Hedy Lee. The newspapers and photographs reflect Chinese culture in Houston during the 1970s and 1980s, including family life, business activities, cultural arts and organizations, news, and special events such as the Miss Chinatown pageants. (1...
Dates: 1962-2010; Majority of material found within 1976 - 1985

George Meyer Family Collection

Identifier: MS 0774

The George Meyer Family Collection contains family photos, photos of the Loraine and George B. Meyer house on Holcombe Blvd. in Houston, a catalog of the company business, and a resolution on the death of Joseph F. Meyer.

Dates: 1916 - 1971

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  • Subject: books X

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Clippings (books, newspapers, etc.) 197
photographs 166
Correspondence 150
Records (documents) 88
Universities and colleges 78
∨ more
Jews and Jewish life 75
Albums (books) 64
Jewish Families 62
Programs (publications) 47
Social life and customs 39
Texas -- Houston 36
Books 34
Minutes (Records) 34
Women 34
Texas 29
Business 28
Newsletters 25
Reports 24
Collectibles 23
Politics and government 23
Sound recordings 23
Video recordings 22
Ephemera 20
Personal correspondence 20
Manuscripts 19
Religion 19
Art 18
Education 18
Asian Americans 17
Diaries 17
Directories 17
United States 17
newspapers 16
African Americans 15
Rice University 15
Speeches 14
World War (1939-1945) 14
Architecture 12
Legal instruments 12
Calendars 11
Informational works 11
Military 11
Yearbooks 11
Jewish Organizations and Businesses 10
Petroleum industry and trade 10
Synagogues 10
History 9
Authors 8
Civil rights 8
Posters 8
American Civil War (United States : 1861-1865) 7
Family histories 7
Interviews 7
Literature 7
Music 7
Sermons 7
Slides 7
College students 6
Constitutions 6
Guidebooks 6
Lectures 6
Maps 6
Oil and gas 6
Oral histories 6
Pamphlets 6
Philanthropists 6
Theater 6
Twentieth century 6
World War (1914-1918) 6
Chinese Americans 5
Church bulletins 5
College teachers 5
Health care and medicine 5
Law and legislation 5
Literature and society 5
Oil fields -- Equipment and supplies 5
Press releases 5
Artists 4
Banks and banking 4
Editorials 4
Enslavement 4
Genealogy 4
Journalism 4
Negatives (photographs) 4
Obituaries 4
Periodicals 4
Texas -- Galveston 4
Texas -- Harris County 4
Universities and colleges -- Faculty 4
Annual reports 3
Architects 3
Architectural drawings 3
Artists’ books 3
Athletics 3
Biographies 3
Charts, diagrams, etc. 3
Drawings 3
Environment 3
Illumination of books and manuscripts 3
Jewish day schools 3
+ ∧ less
English 265
Chinese 2
Latin 2
French 1
Persian 1
Rice University 35
Rice University--residential college system 6
Unknown 6
Rice University -- history. 5
Rice University. 5
∨ more
Congregation Adath Yeshurun (Houston, Tex.) 4
Congregation Beth Israel (Houston, Tex.) 4
B'nai B'rith Youth Organization 3
Congregation Beth Yeshurun (Houston, Tex) 3
Davidson, Chandler 3
Furman, Joshua, Dr. 3
Richards, Ann, 1933-2006 3
United Orthodox Synagogues of Houston (Houston, Tex.) 3
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 3
Autry family 2
Baker, James Addison 2
Baker, Rowena Crawford 2
Bentsen, Lloyd 2
Brown & Root, Inc. 2
Brown, Alice Pratt 2
Castaneda, Christopher James 2
Catholic Church 2
Congregation Adath Emeth (Houston, Tex.) 2
Congregation Adath Israel (Houston, Tex.) 2
Congregation Brith Shalom. (Bellaire, Tex) 2
Congregation Emanu El (Houston, Tex.) 2
Congregation Shearith Israel (Wharton, Tex) 2
Denn, Meyer 2
Dugger, Ronnie 2
Ferguson, Miriam Amanda 2
Huxley, Julian, 1887-1975 2
Huxley, Juliette, 1896-1994 2
James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy. 2
Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973 2
Jones, Jesse H. (Jesse Holman) 2
Levy, Vicki Samuels 2
Lovett, Edgar Odell 2
McVey, William M. 2
Pitzer, Kenneth S. (Kenneth Sanborn) 2
Rice University--residential college system. 2
Rogers, Karen Hess 2
Abramson, Ida Sue 1
Allen, Herbert 1
Alter, Fred C. 1
American Association of University Professors 1
American Defense Group 1
American Freedom Train Foundation 1
American Legion 1
American Republics Corporation 1
Anderson, Benjamin M. 1
Anderson, Clayton & Co 1
Anderson, Michael 1
Angel, Debbie 1
Angel, John 1
Anglican Church in North America 1
Antunes, George Edward 1
Armco Steel Corporation 1
Armeniades, Constantine D. 1
Armstrong, Dora 1
Askanase, Hilda (Graham) 1
Askanase, Reuben 1
Attenborough, David 1
Austin, Stephen F. (Stephen Fuller) 1
Autrey, Lynette Schneider 1
Autry, Hennie 1
Autry, Herbert 1
Autry, James Lockhart, 1830-1862 1
Autry, James Lockhart, II 1
Autry, Micajah 1
B'nai B'rith. Herzl Lodge No. 608 1
Baker College (Rice University) 1
Baker College (Rice University). 1
Baker family 1
Baker, Alice Graham 1
Baker, James Addison, 1930- 1
Baker, James Addison, Judge 1
Ballantyne Press. 1
Ballew, William V., Jr. 1
Barentine, Andy A. 1
Barish, David 1
Barish, Marvin 1
Barish, Shirley 1
Bass, Patty 1
Beckman, Francine N. 1
Bedford, Sybille, 1911-2006 1
Beer Bike cycling event 1
Belasco, Norman 1
Bell Family 1
Bell, David 1
Bell, Henrietta 1
Bell, Marian 1
Bering family 1
Bering, Louisa Neumann 1
Berman family 1
Berman, Morton 1
Berry, Frank Lee (Jr.) 1
Beth Jacob Congregation (Houston, Tex) 1
Binyon, Laurence, 1869-1943 1
Bishop, Lynette 1
Bistram, Emile, 1895-1976 1
+ ∧ less