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Showing Collections A-Z: 121 - 130 of 271

Jerry Cohen Papers

Identifier: MS 0925

The collection, spanning from 1973 to 1987, consists of one folder containing correspondence, speeches, a newsclipping, a photograph, and an invitation.

Dates: 1973 - 1987

Jesse H. Jones Family and Personal Papers

Identifier: MS 0252

The Jesse H. Jones Family and Personal Papers, consisting of 92 boxes, detail the lives of individual Jones family members and are highlighted by the Jesse H. Jones personal papers consisting of correspondence, photographs, financial, legal, speeches and business records, as well as the political, civic-related and public service records for which Jones is well known.

Dates: 1841 - 2000

Jewish Herald-Voice Papers

Identifier: MS 0781

This collection contains issues of the Jewish Herald-Voice, as well as related correspondence, newsprint and articles, photographs, and a Directory of Jewish Organizations showcasing different aspects of the Jewish community and smaller groups that make it up. "Representing the great and powerful diversity of [the Houston and Texas Gulf Coast Jewish communities,] the Herald unites many thoughts in its weekly pages" (Newspaper owners Samuels and Levy).

Dates: 1928 - 2008

Joan and Stanford Alexander South Texas Jewish Archives Records

Identifier: MS 0874

This collection consists of correspondence, publicity materials, a statement about the founding of the Joan and Stanford Alexander South Texas Jewish Archives, formerly known as the Houston Jewish History Archive (HJHA), meeting materials, newsletters, and news clippings that feature the work the STJA is doing to preserve materials belonging to individuals and synagogues in the Houston Jewish community following the damage wrought by Hurricane Harvey in 2017.

Dates: 2017 - 2023

John Bryant economics papers

Identifier: UA 0422

The John Bryant economics papers provide a sneak peek into the inner workings of the economics classroom at Rice University. Ranging from introductory classes to high-level graduate theory, Bryant’s class notes cover a number of topics.

Dates: 2013 - 2016

John F. Kennedy Space Effort Speech at Rice University records

Identifier: UA 0109

This record group consists of printed material and audio covering both John F. Kennedy's visit and speech on the Nation's Space Effort at Rice University on September 12, 1962.

Dates: 1961 - 1962

John Singleton Mosby U.S. Civil War scrapbook

Identifier: MS 0153

The collection consists of a scrapbook of newspaper clippings by and about J.S. Mosby, a Confederate soldier, that detail his adventures in the Confederate cavalry. Also included are unfavorable clippings from local newspapers on the occasion of his visit to New England in 1886.

Dates: 1886 - 1887

John T. McCants family papers and Rice Institute career remembrances

Identifier: UA 0434

This collection includes photographs, diplomas, and other documents from the family of John T. McCants between ca. 1940 and 1969.

Dates: 1900 - 1970

Joyce Gilbert papers

Identifier: MS 0805

One box containing certificates, correspondence, a travel journal, photographs, a magazine article, event materials, and a Soviet Jewry nameplate documents Joyce Gilbert's activities in the Houston Jewish community and her work to assist Russian Jewry from 1975 to 2018.

Dates: 1975 - 2018

J.T. McCants research material for book entitled: Some Information Concerning the Rice Institute

Identifier: UA 0296

This collection contains research materials, the original typescript, and photocopies of Some Information Concerning the Rice Institute, written by J.T. McCants in 1955. The text deals with the early history of the Rice Institute, describing its founder, the general plan, first buildings, formal opening, and the first academic year.

Dates: 1952 - 1962

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Clippings (books, newspapers, etc.) 197
photographs 166
Correspondence 150
Records (documents) 88
Universities and colleges 78
∨ more
Jews and Jewish life 75
Albums (books) 64
Jewish Families 62
Programs (publications) 47
Social life and customs 39
Texas -- Houston 36
Books 34
Minutes (Records) 34
Women 34
Texas 29
Business 28
Newsletters 25
Reports 24
Collectibles 23
Politics and government 23
Sound recordings 23
Video recordings 22
Ephemera 20
Personal correspondence 20
Manuscripts 19
Religion 19
Art 18
Education 18
Asian Americans 17
Diaries 17
Directories 17
United States 17
newspapers 16
African Americans 15
Rice University 15
Speeches 14
World War (1939-1945) 14
Architecture 12
Legal instruments 12
Calendars 11
Informational works 11
Military 11
Yearbooks 11
Jewish Organizations and Businesses 10
Petroleum industry and trade 10
Synagogues 10
History 9
Authors 8
Civil rights 8
Posters 8
American Civil War (United States : 1861-1865) 7
Family histories 7
Interviews 7
Literature 7
Music 7
Sermons 7
Slides 7
College students 6
Constitutions 6
Guidebooks 6
Lectures 6
Maps 6
Oil and gas 6
Oral histories 6
Pamphlets 6
Philanthropists 6
Theater 6
Twentieth century 6
World War (1914-1918) 6
Chinese Americans 5
Church bulletins 5
College teachers 5
Health care and medicine 5
Law and legislation 5
Literature and society 5
Oil fields -- Equipment and supplies 5
Press releases 5
Artists 4
Banks and banking 4
Editorials 4
Enslavement 4
Genealogy 4
Journalism 4
Negatives (photographs) 4
Obituaries 4
Periodicals 4
Texas -- Galveston 4
Texas -- Harris County 4
Universities and colleges -- Faculty 4
Annual reports 3
Architects 3
Architectural drawings 3
Artists’ books 3
Athletics 3
Biographies 3
Charts, diagrams, etc. 3
Drawings 3
Environment 3
Illumination of books and manuscripts 3
Jewish day schools 3
+ ∧ less
English 265
Chinese 2
Latin 2
French 1
Persian 1
Rice University 35
Rice University--residential college system 6
Unknown 6
Rice University -- history. 5
Rice University. 5
∨ more
Congregation Adath Yeshurun (Houston, Tex.) 4
Congregation Beth Israel (Houston, Tex.) 4
B'nai B'rith Youth Organization 3
Congregation Beth Yeshurun (Houston, Tex) 3
Davidson, Chandler 3
Furman, Joshua, Dr. 3
Richards, Ann, 1933-2006 3
United Orthodox Synagogues of Houston (Houston, Tex.) 3
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 3
Autry family 2
Baker, James Addison 2
Baker, Rowena Crawford 2
Bentsen, Lloyd 2
Brown & Root, Inc. 2
Brown, Alice Pratt 2
Castaneda, Christopher James 2
Catholic Church 2
Congregation Adath Emeth (Houston, Tex.) 2
Congregation Adath Israel (Houston, Tex.) 2
Congregation Brith Shalom. (Bellaire, Tex) 2
Congregation Emanu El (Houston, Tex.) 2
Congregation Shearith Israel (Wharton, Tex) 2
Denn, Meyer 2
Dugger, Ronnie 2
Ferguson, Miriam Amanda 2
Huxley, Julian, 1887-1975 2
Huxley, Juliette, 1896-1994 2
James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy. 2
Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973 2
Jones, Jesse H. (Jesse Holman) 2
Levy, Vicki Samuels 2
Lovett, Edgar Odell 2
McVey, William M. 2
Pitzer, Kenneth S. (Kenneth Sanborn) 2
Rice University--residential college system. 2
Rogers, Karen Hess 2
Abramson, Ida Sue 1
Allen, Herbert 1
Alter, Fred C. 1
American Association of University Professors 1
American Defense Group 1
American Freedom Train Foundation 1
American Legion 1
American Republics Corporation 1
Anderson, Benjamin M. 1
Anderson, Clayton & Co 1
Anderson, Michael 1
Angel, Debbie 1
Angel, John 1
Anglican Church in North America 1
Antunes, George Edward 1
Armco Steel Corporation 1
Armeniades, Constantine D. 1
Armstrong, Dora 1
Askanase, Hilda (Graham) 1
Askanase, Reuben 1
Attenborough, David 1
Austin, Stephen F. (Stephen Fuller) 1
Autrey, Lynette Schneider 1
Autry, Hennie 1
Autry, Herbert 1
Autry, James Lockhart, 1830-1862 1
Autry, James Lockhart, II 1
Autry, Micajah 1
B'nai B'rith. Herzl Lodge No. 608 1
Baker College (Rice University) 1
Baker College (Rice University). 1
Baker family 1
Baker, Alice Graham 1
Baker, James Addison, 1930- 1
Baker, James Addison, Judge 1
Ballantyne Press. 1
Ballew, William V., Jr. 1
Barentine, Andy A. 1
Barish, David 1
Barish, Marvin 1
Barish, Shirley 1
Bass, Patty 1
Beckman, Francine N. 1
Bedford, Sybille, 1911-2006 1
Beer Bike cycling event 1
Belasco, Norman 1
Bell Family 1
Bell, David 1
Bell, Henrietta 1
Bell, Marian 1
Bering family 1
Bering, Louisa Neumann 1
Berman family 1
Berman, Morton 1
Berry, Frank Lee (Jr.) 1
Beth Jacob Congregation (Houston, Tex) 1
Binyon, Laurence, 1869-1943 1
Bishop, Lynette 1
Bistram, Emile, 1895-1976 1
+ ∧ less