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Charles C. Winnia Philippine American War papers

Identifier: MS 0132

The Charles C. Winnia Philippine American War papers, 1883-1929, consist of eight boxes of correspondence, personal papers, and papers relating to Winnia's military career; photographs, post cards and other miscellaneous items; newspapers and newspaper clippings. Oversize material includes military maps and commissions.

Dates: 1883 - 1929

Charles Roberts U.S. Civil War letters

Identifier: MS 0377

A collection of letters written by Charles Roberts to his family during his years of service in the Union Army of the U.S. Civil War. The letters cover a wide range of emotions and activities, including his regiment’s movements, his career in the army, and his personal opinions regarding the war.

Dates: 1862 - 1864

Charlotte and Maximilian Collection

Identifier: MS 0356
Abstract Original letters from Charlotte of Belgium, chiefly as Carlota, Empress of Mexico; papers of Felix Eloin, Maximilian’s chef du cainet civil; photographs, engravings, and drawings of Charlotte, of Mexico City, and of members of the Mexican military. Mexican sheet music from 1859-1908 and newsclippings also reflect the colection' s main subjects of political and military matters in Mexico during the reign of Emperor Maxilimilian, the role of Juan Benitez and other political figures of the...
Dates: 1846 - 1927

Christy Poisot Filipino-American materials

Identifier: MS 0912
Abstract The materials in this collection reflect the activities of the Houston Filipino American community, over several generations. These activities include political and historical achievements, such as Filipino American WWII Soldier Recognition project materials, Filipino Veterans of World War II Congressional Gold Medal Act celebrations; celebrating Filipino American History Month; as well as cultural resources such as a community cookbook, and a Filipino American history book. The collection...
Dates: 2014 - 2018

Civil War-era letter from S. M. McAshan to T. W. House

Identifier: MS 0034
Abstract: S. M. McAshan wrote this letter to T. W. House in Houston, Texas on July 18, 1864. The letter written during the Civil War concerns two items. First, McAshan asks about correspondence for J. M. Putnam in Eagle Pass. Secondly, he asks about a transaction regarding bagging rope and trim for cotton for Lt. Col. Hutchins. The letter consists of a single sheet of paper, with the handwritten correspondence on one side and the handwritten address on the backside. Affixed near the address is a...
Dates: 1864-07-18

Clark Bruster World War I Camp Logan collection

Identifier: MS 0554

The collection consists of letters from Camp Logan and from France, wartime decorations, uniforms, and personal military equipment, as well as Bruster's Mother’s Red Cross Uniform and service pin.

Dates: 1917-1919

Claude Addison McElroy papers

Identifier: MS 0622
Abstract This material primarily consists of correspondence to and from Addison McElroy during the Second World War and immediately thereafter. Included are letters from his friends at Rice, giving insight into wartime life at the Institute. There is also an extensive number of letters from McElroy to his mother and her responses thereto. His naval service is detailed in his official personnel file and sets of orders to various duty stations, as well as material from his wartime service in the...
Dates: 1941-1947

Clinton S. Quin, Jr. World War II letters

Identifier: MS 0559
Scope and Contents

These letters, written to Quin's sister, Derby, cover his call to active duty in 1944, and training as a communications watch officer in Norfolk, Virginia, in preparation for his assignment to Landing Ship Tank (LST) 573. Within the constraints of wartime censorship, the letters describe shipboard life, the latter part of the war in the Pacific, and post-war occupation duties in the Far East.

Dates: 1944-1946

Colonel Cyrus Burnet Smith U.S. Civil War papers

Identifier: MS 0411

Dr. Cyrus Smith served as a surgeon in the U.S. Civil War. His papers include his diary, military passes, induction and discharge papers, correspondence, photographs, hospital reports, bills of lading relating to the cotton trade in 1850's and Smith's thesis from Medical School.

Dates: 1856-1958

Confederate Imprint collection

Identifier: MS 0071

Official documents, books, advertisements, religious pamphlets, maps, and various other materials related to life in the Confederacy during the period of the U.S. Civil War.

Dates: 1855-1879

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  • Subject: War X

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Correspondence 75
American Civil War (United States : 1861-1865) 57
Military 50
World War (1939-1945) 42
photographs 40
∨ more
United States 36
Records (documents) 32
War 30
World War (1914-1918) 20
Clippings (books, newspapers, etc.) 18
Diaries 17
Texas 17
Collectibles 16
Albums (books) 12
Jewish Families 11
Jews and Jewish life 11
Social life and customs 11
Universities and colleges 11
Politics and government 9
Soldiers 9
Texas -- Houston 9
Women 8
Great Britain 7
Manuscripts 7
Sound recordings 7
Maps 6
Newsletters 6
Personal correspondence 6
Programs (publications) 6
Asian Americans 5
Enslavement 5
Family histories 5
Interviews 5
Oral histories 5
Pamphlets 5
Rice University 5
Speeches 5
United States -- Confederate States of America 5
newspapers 5
African Americans 4
Authors 4
Biographies 4
Business 4
Literature 4
Military uniforms 4
Playbills (posters) 4
Texas -- Galveston 4
Books 3
College students 3
Education 3
Health care and medicine 3
Informational works 3
Legal instruments 3
Mexican War (1846-1848) 3
Mexico 3
Peninsular War (1807-1814) 3
Prisoners of war 3
Tennessee 3
Transportation 3
Virginia 3
Aeronautics, Military 2
Architects 2
Architecture 2
Art 2
Chinese Americans 2
Emigration and immigration 2
Facsimiles 2
Governors 2
Insurance 2
Marriage 2
Minutes (Records) 2
Mississippi 2
Napoleonic Wars (1800-1815) 2
Naval history 2
Plantation life 2
Portugal 2
Postcards 2
Presidents 2
Prisoners and prisons 2
Real property 2
Religion 2
Sermons 2
Slides 2
Southern States 2
Spain 2
Texas -- Camp Logan 2
Theater 2
Twentieth century 2
War of 1812 (United States : 1812-1815) 2
Yearbooks 2
Aeronautics 1
Aeronautics, Commercial 1
Agriculture 1
Airplanes 1
American Revolution (United States : 1775-1783) 1
Amphibian planes 1
Architectural drawings 1
Argentina 1
Arkansas 1
Arkansas -- Little Rock 1
+ ∧ less
English 133
German 2
French 1
Vietnamese 1
Unknown 6
Rice University 5
Davis, Jefferson 4
Confederate States of America. Army 3
Cullum, George W. (George Washington) 2
∨ more
Davis, Varina Howell 2
Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973 2
Johnston, Joseph E. (Joseph Eggleston) 2
United States. Army of the Potomac 2
United States. Army. Maine Infantry Regiment, 7th (1861-1864) 2
A.V. Roe and Co. 1
Abercrombie, John Joseph 1
Allred, James V. 1
Alter, Fred C. 1
American Defense Group 1
American Legion 1
Anderson, Benjamin M. 1
Anderson, Dillon 1
Anderson, John 1
Anderson, Michael 1
Anglican Church in North America 1
Aulbach, Louis 1
Austin, Stephen F. (Stephen Fuller) 1
Autry, James Lockhart, 1830-1862 1
B'nai B'rith. Herzl Lodge No. 608 1
Barnard, J. G. (John Gross) 1
Barrow, John, Sir, 1764-1848 1
Bartmess, Thomas E. 1
Benjamin, Judah P. 1
Bering family 1
Bering, Louisa Neumann 1
Berkeley, George Cranfield, 1685-1753 1
Blayney, Thomas Lindsey 1
Bloome, Jarrod D. 1
Bobo, Mary J. 1
Brady, Mathew B. 1
Bragg, Braxton 1
Britton, Mr. & Mrs. James Lanier 1
Brooker, W. H. 1
Broun family 1
Brown, Burwell 1
Brown, James Sydnor 1
Brown, Russell 1
Brown, Sophia Marks 1
Bruster, Clark 1
Bussey, Cyrus 1
California Institute of Technology 1
Campbell, Albert Sherrad 1
Campbell, George 1
Carleton College (Northfield, Minn.) 1
Catholic Church. 1
Christ Church Cathedral (Houston, Tex.). 1
Clarendon, John Charles Villie, Earl of, 1757-1838 1
Clark, Jane 1
Clark, Kenneth 1
Confederate States of America 1
Confederate States of America. Army. Kentucky Infantry Regiment, 6th 1
Confederate States of America. Army. Texas Artillery 1
Confederate States of America. Army. Texas Cavalry 1
Confederate States of America. Army. Trans-Mississippi Department 1
Congregation Adath Yeshurun (Houston, Tex.) 1
Congregation Beth El (Houston, Tex.) 1
Congregation Beth Israel (Houston, Tex.) 1
Congregation Beth Yeshurun (Houston, Tex) 1
Congregation Brith Shalom. (Bellaire, Tex) 1
Congregation Shearith Israel (Wharton, Tex) 1
Constitution (Frigate) 1
Cook, Joseph 1
Cornwallis, William, Sir 1
Crain, Robert A. 1
Crosby, John C. 1
Curtiss Aeroplane and Motor Company, inc.. 1
Davidson, Chandler 1
De Havilland Aircraft Company, ltd.. 1
Debes, Robert R. , DDS 1
Denn, Meyer 1
Desiree (Ship) 1
Dix, John Adams 1
Douglas, Earle C., Jr. 1
Douglas, Stephen A. (Stephen Arnold) 1
Duckworth, John Thomas, Sir 1
Dunban family 1
Dunban, John R. 1
Dunham, George F. 1
Ehinger, Augustus 1
Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969 1
Elbaz, Carol Ritter 1
Elliott family 1
Elliott, Card G. 1
Elliott, Mary Alice 1
Elliott, Mary Malone 1
Episcopal Church. Diocese of Texas. 1
Fancourt, R. D. 1
Farquhar, Arthur 1
Filipino American National Historical Society 1
Fillmore, Millard, 1800-1874 1
Floyd, John B. (John Buchanan) 1
Galsworthy, John 1
Glass, William S. 1
Gough, John Edwin 1
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