Showing Collections A-Z: 31 - 33 of 33
William T. Cannady Architectural Projects records
These records include architectural drawings, renderings and project documentation related to the work of William T. Cannady. As a Professor of Architecture at Rice University since 1964, Cannady teaches both undergraduate and graduate design studios, and is a practicing architect.
William Watson papers
This collection contains the correspondence, manuscript verse, and proofs of poems of the poet Sir William Watson. Correspondents include R. Ellis Roberts, Clarence Winchester (of the Amalgamated Press), and T.N. Green-Armytage.
Wylie Vale architecture collection
Architectural drawings and related records for residential architecture projects by Wylie Vale, Jr.
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- Subject: Twentieth century X
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- Subject
- Correspondence 16
- Architecture 15
- Texas -- Houston 15
- photographs 11
- Literature 7
- Architectural drawings 6
- Clippings (books, newspapers, etc.) 6
- Universities and colleges 6
- Women 6
- American literature 5
- Authors 5
- Records (documents) 5
- Architects 4
- Music 4
- Programs (publications) 4
- Education 3
- Rice University 3
- Sound recordings 3
- Aeronautics, Military 2
- African Americans 2
- Architecture, American 2
- Art 2
- Biology 2
- Business 2
- Composers 2
- Composition (Music) 2
- Conservation of natural resources 2
- English literature 2
- Evolution (Biology) 2
- France 2
- Genetics 2
- Humanism 2
- Manuscripts 2
- Military 2
- Philosophy, Modern 2
- Poetry 2
- Science 2
- Social evolution 2
- Texas 2
- Voyages and travels 2
- Africa 1
- Authors, American 1
- Authors, English 1
- Bibliographies 1
- Birth control 1
- Blues (Music) 1
- Books 1
- Cancer 1
- Chatham Hall (Chatham, Va.) 1
- Coastal surveillance 1
- Cold War (1945-1989) 1
- Collectibles 1
- College teachers 1
- Colorado 1
- Copyright 1
- Criticism, interpretation, etc. 1
- Decoration and ornament, Architectural 1
- Diaries 1
- Dramatists 1
- Eaton's Ranch 1
- English drama 1
- Eugenics 1
- Family histories 1
- Folk music 1
- Gender identity 1
- Groupe des six (Group of composers) 1
- Itineraries 1
- Jewish Organizations and Businesses 1
- Jews and Jewish life 1
- LGBTQ people 1
- Lectures 1
- Louisiana -- New Orleans 1
- Maine -- Kennebunkport 1
- Mendel's law 1
- Minorities 1
- Minutes (Records) 1
- Motion picture industry 1
- Music -- Instruction and study 1
- Musicology 1
- Oral histories 1
- Pamphlets 1
- Playwriting 1
- Poets, English 1
- Population policy 1
- Posters 1
- Press releases 1
- Race discrimination 1
- Rhythm and blues music 1
- Scotland--Troon 1
- Sketchbooks 1
- Social life and customs 1
- South Carolina -- Blenheim 1
- Syllabi 1
- Texas -- Columbus 1
- Texas -- Houston Ship Channel 1
- Theater 1
- Theater -- Production and direction 1
- Trade associations 1
- Transportation 1 + ∧ less
- Language
- English 31
- French 2
- Names
- Rice University 4
- Huxley, Julian, 1887-1975 3
- Bedford, Sybille, 1911-2006 2
- Clark, Kenneth, 1903-1983 2
- Duval, Denise 2
- Eaton, Cyrus Stephen, 1883-1979 2
- Hardy, Alister Clavering, Sir 2
- Hester, Paul, 1948- 2
- Huxley, Aldous, 1894-1963 2
- Huxley, Juliette, 1896-1994 2
- Lorenz, Konrad, 1903-1989 2
- Maheu, René 2
- Moore, Henry, 1898-1986 2
- Muller, H. J. (Hermann Joseph), 1890-1967 2
- Poulenc, Francis, 1899-1963 2
- Russell, Bertrand, 1872-1970 2
- Simpson, George Gaylord, 1902-1984 2
- Spender, Stephen, 1909-1995 2
- Tinbergen, Niko, 1907-1988 2
- Wells, H. G. (Herbert George), 1866-1946 2
- Zuckerman, Solly Zuckerman, Baron, 1904-1993 2
- Aker, Joe C., photographer 1
- Alonso, Gabriel 1
- American Institute of Architects, Houston 1
- Anderson, Michael 1
- Asquith family 1
- Attenborough, David 1
- Bailey, Bob 1
- Baker, John Randal, 1900- 1
- Begham, Stan 1
- Belasco, David, 1853-1931 1
- Bennett, Arnold, 1867-1931 1
- Bernac, Pierre 1
- Bisett and Dixon Photographers. 1
- Brewer, Benjamin E., Jr. 1
- Briscoe, Birdsall P., 1876-1971 1
- Britten, Benjamin, 1913-1976 1
- Brochstein, Deborah 1
- Brochsteins, Inc. (1935-) 1
- Bronowski, Jacob, 1908-1974 1
- Caldwell, Erskine 1
- Cannady, William 1
- Carneiro, Paulo E. de Berredo, 1901- 1
- Chanlaire, Richard 1
- Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Isles. 1
- Citron, Marcia J. 1
- Cocteau, Jean 1
- Cooper , Keith 1
- Coward, Noel, 1899-1973 1
- Cram and Ferguson. 1
- Darwin family 1
- De Beer, Gavin, Sir, 1899-1972 1
- Dickey, James 1
- Dobzhansky, Theodosius, 1900-1975 1
- Dorsey and Peters. 1
- Dorsey, Paul 1
- Dreiser, Theodore 1
- D’Aranyi, Jelly 1
- Eliot, T. S. (Thomas Stearns), 1888-1965 1
- Elmhirst, Dorothy 1
- Fillpot, Robert G. 1
- Fisk, David 1
- Fogg, Mabel Cary 1
- Foto Art Studios. 1
- Gabert, Lenard, Sr. 1
- Gardner, Rick 1
- Georges, Alexandre 1
- Gielgud, John , 1904-2000 1
- Gilbert, Earl R. 1
- Goldschmidt, Richard, 1878-1958 1
- Goodall, Jane, 1934- 1
- Gordon, Caroline 1
- Goyen, William 1
- Greene, Waldo 1
- Gruber, Ira D., Dr. 1
- Gulf Photo. 1
- Haeckel, Ernst, 1834-1919 1
- Haldane, J. B. S. (John Burdon Sanderson), 1892-1964 1
- Hammersley, Violet 1
- Harper Leiper Studios. 1
- Havel, Jacques 1
- Hawkes, Jacquetta, 1910-1996 1
- Hawtrey, Charles, 1858-1923 1
- Henrikson, Vernon R. 1
- Holmes, Ann, 1922-2009 1
- Huxley family 1
- Johnson, Owen 1
- Jones, Arthur Evan 1
- Kertesz, Andre 1
- Kiger, Jennifer M. 1
- Knoblock, Edward, 1874-1945 1
- Korab, Balthazar 1
- Korges, James 1
- Koteliansky, S. S. (Samuel Solomonovitch), 1880-1955 1
- Lambiotte family 1
- Lamont, Corliss, 1902-1995 1
- Lawless and Son, Photographers. 1
- Laws, Jack F. 1
- Leakey, L. S. B. (Louis Seymour Bazett), 1903-1972 1
- Levi-Strauss, Claude 1 + ∧ less
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Fondren Library, Rice University
Physical Address: 6100 Main, Houston, Texas 77005-1827
Mailing Address: MS-44, P.O. Box 1892, Houston, Texas 77251-1892