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Showing Collections A-Z: 31 - 40 of 66

Larry W. Bryant UFO research collection

Identifier: MS 0915
Scope and Contents The Larry W. Bryant UFO research collection contains personal papers such as correspondence, photographs, and articles written by Larry Bryant, as well as papers from his participation in UFO organizations like MUFON and CAUS, including board meeting minutes, budget notes, and quarterly reports. A large section of the collection is devoted to Bryant’s research into ufology using court cases against the government and Freedom of Information Act requests to obtain files kept from...
Dates: 1920 - 2010

Marion Kessel Performing Arts collection

Identifier: MS 0517
Abstract: The collection includes research files, posters and awards, and audio/visual materials related to the production of mainly Houston, TX based performing arts documentaries. Among the many productions represented are Danton’s Death, The Making of a Monologue: Robert Wilson’s HAMLET, Visions of Robert Wilson, Houston Grand Opera productions of Carmen, Florencia en el Amazonas, Four Saints in Three Acts, Madame Butterfly, The Making of the Representative for Planet 8, Marriage of Figaro,...
Dates: 1977-2000

Max Herzog World War II Memorabilia collection

Identifier: MS 0715
Abstract The collection, spanning 1935-1947, consists of a photo album recording Max Herzog's service in the U.S. Army during World War II. Also included are a telegram informing him of his son's birth in the U.S. and photographs of the young child sent to Max by his wife. Information papers pertaining to discharge from the Army, as well as the discharge papers themselves are included. In addition, there is currency from several of the countries traveled through during Army service, including a U.S....
Dates: 1935 - 1947

Montrose Singers/Gay Men's Chorus Collection

Identifier: MS 0616

This collection consists of interview transcripts, audio files, program images, and historical documents compiled by JD Doyle. (1 Flash Drive)

Dates: 1979 - 2010

O. Jack Mitchell architecture papers

Identifier: MS 0439

This collection contains the personal and academic papers of Houston architect O. Jack Mitchell. Included in the collection are Mitchell’s consulting projects, Houston organizations projects, numerous slides of cities around the world, film reels of lectures, and various other architectural materials.

Dates: 1960-1992

Paul Cooper papers

Identifier: MS 0463

Paul Cooper’s papers document his professional career as a composer, music critic, author and teacher, at Rice University, University of Michigan, and University of Cincinnati. Formats include correspondence, compositions (scores), course notes and outlines, photographs, notes, performance, programs, and sound recordings; dates range from 1943-1995.

Dates: Majority of material found within 1943-1995

Paul Phillips Collection (Houston Balalaika Society)

Identifier: MS 0689

This collection includes songbooks, sheet music, recordings, photographs, personal items, and other materials related to Paul Phillips' career as a musician from the 1960s to his death in 2010.

Dates: 1941 - 2011

Rev. William A. Lawson papers

Identifier: MS 0532

This collection documents the path of Rev. William A. "Bill" Lawson as a minister and religious educator in Houston, Texas. It includes teaching materials, recorded sermons, notes for sermons, and church bulletins for Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church.

Dates: 1955-2008

Rice Historical Society records

Identifier: UA 0207

Documents related to the business activities and publications of the Rice Historical Society at Rice University.

Dates: 1995-2016, and current

Rice University Boniuk Institute records

Identifier: UA 0380

The records document the Boniuk Institute from its founding in 2004 as the Boniuk Center for the Study and Advancement of Reglious Tolerance to the current Boniuk Institute in 2019.

Dates: 1995 - 2019

Filtered By

  • Subject: Sound recordings X

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Additional filters:

Sound recordings 63
Correspondence 32
photographs 32
Video recordings 22
Clippings (books, newspapers, etc.) 17
∨ more
Records (documents) 17
Universities and colleges 17
Interviews 14
Programs (publications) 12
Music 10
Oral histories 9
Social life and customs 9
Texas -- Houston 8
Jewish Families 7
Jews and Jewish life 7
African Americans 6
Education 6
Ephemera 6
Minutes (Records) 6
Newsletters 6
Religion 6
Reports 6
Rice University 6
Women 6
World War (1939-1945) 6
Albums (books) 5
Art 5
Asian Americans 5
Books 5
Collectibles 5
Politics and government 5
Posters 5
Scores 5
Architecture 4
Military 4
Press releases 4
Speeches 4
Texas 4
newspapers 4
Business 3
Church bulletins 3
College teachers 3
Diaries 3
Directories 3
Manuscripts 3
Notated music 3
Pamphlets 3
Parapsychology 3
Personal correspondence 3
Sermons 3
Slides 3
Theater 3
Twentieth century 3
Unidentified flying objects 3
United States 3
Yearbooks 3
sound recordings 3
Architectural drawings 2
Arrangement (Music) 2
Authors 2
Biographies 2
Calendars 2
Charts, diagrams, etc. 2
Composers 2
Emigration and immigration 2
Environment 2
Health care and medicine 2
Hip-hop 2
Jewish day schools 2
LGBTQ people 2
Legal instruments 2
Literature 2
Space flight 2
War 2
Aeronautics, Military 1
Architects 1
Artists 1
Astronautics and state 1
Bioengineering 1
Biologists 1
Biology 1
Chinese Americans 1
Christianity 1
Christianity and politics 1
Church and state 1
Churches 1
City planning 1
Civil rights 1
Coastal surveillance 1
Cold War (1945-1989) 1
College presidents -- Inauguration 1
College students 1
Comic art paraphernalia 1
Community activists 1
Composition (Music) 1
Conservatism 1
Cultural pluralism 1
Depositions 1
Editorials 1
Evangelists 1
+ ∧ less
English 65
Vietnamese 1
Rice University 9
Congregation Beth Yeshurun (Houston, Tex) 2
Davidson, Chandler 2
Alley Theatre (Houston, Tex.) 1
American Freedom Train Foundation 1
∨ more
American Institute of Architects, Houston 1
Anderson, Michael 1
Antunes, George Edward 1
Avalon, Robert 1
Bistram, Emile, 1895-1976 1
Bloome, Jarrod D. 1
Bolding, Patricia Spaulding Smith, 1944- 1
Brischetto, Robert R. 1
Bryant,, Larry W., 1938-2020 1
Bullock, Charles S., III 1
Byrd, W. Lee 1
Chen, E. C. M. (Edward C. M.) 1
Citizens for Better Government (Abilene, Tex.). 1
Congregation Adath Yeshurun (Houston, Tex.) 1
Congregation Beth El (Houston, Tex.) 1
Congregation Brith Shalom. (Bellaire, Tex) 1
Congregation Shearith Israel (Wharton, Tex) 1
Contemporary Arts Association (Houston, Tex.). 1
Croft, Steven M. 1
Davies, Race D. 1
Ensemble Theatre (Houston, Tex.). 1
Fink, Aaron 1
Goodman, Shelby D. 1
Greater Houston Civic Council (Houston, Tex.). 1
Grofman, Bernard 1
Hall, Arthur E. 1
Hancock, John W., Sr., -1960 1
Hewitt, Gerald J. 1
Hinton, Milt 1
Hispanic Association for Cultural Enrichment at Rice (HACER) 1
Hobby, Oveta Culp, 1905-1995 1
Holmes, Ann, 1922-2009 1
Houston Balalaika Society 1
Houston Gay Men's Chorus 1
Houston Grand Opera. 1
Howard, Oliver 1
Hughes, Pamela Sturtevant Keightley, 1946- 1
Huxley, Julian 1
Huxley, Julian, 1887-1975 1
Huxley, Juliette, 1896-1994 1
Hyman, Harold 1
John, Alfred M., -1936 1
John, Grace Spaulding, 1890-1972 1
John, John Spaulding, 1915- 1
Jones, Ray 1
KUHT-TV (Television station : Houston, Tex.). 1
Keightley, Patricia John, 1916- 1
Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald) 1
Kessel, Marion 1
Killgore, Douglas 1
Kiwanis Club of Houston 1
Kiwanis International 1
Kiwanis International. Texas-Oklahoma District 1
Larch-Miller, Aloysius 1
Mann, Thomas, 1875-1955 1
Mattox, Jim 1
McManus, Susan 1
McNeil, Frank 1
Mitchell, Carolyn E. (Mrs. O. Jack) 1
Mitchell, O. Jack 1
Montrose Singers 1
Morris and Turnage. Law Firm. 1
Murray, Richard 1
Napoli, Philip F., 1960- 1
O'Rourke, Timothy Gerald 1
Pallugna-Saenz, Cybil 1
Palmer, Bruce 1
Panzer, Estelle 1
Pershing, Ruth Uhler, 1898-1967 1
Phillips, Paul Edward 1
Pillot, Joseph E., 1886-1966 1
Quintero, José 1
Rabinovitz, Francine 1
Redgrave, Vanessa, 1937- 1
Rice Historical Society 1
Rice University Chao Center for Asian Studies 1
Rice University. 1
Rice University. Department of University Relations 1
Richards, Ann, 1933-2006 1
Riedel, Brian 1
Rossinow, Douglas C. 1
Shepherd School of Music. 1
Smith, Griffin, Jr. 1
Space Services Inc 1
Spaulding, Gertrude Lavinia, 1871-1932 1
Spaulding, Helim George, 1869-1943 1
Stevens, Risë, 1913-2013 1
SwishaHouse record label 1
Texas Chamber Orchestra (Houston, Tex.). 1
Unesco. 1
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 1
Vallee, Jacques F. 1
Vera, Alberto 1
Wall, Paul 1
Watts, Michael 1
+ ∧ less