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Dr. Ed Chen collection of oral history interviews of Asian American Houstonians

Identifier: MS 0646

This is a collection of oral history interviews either created or maintained by Dr. Edward C. M. Chen, featuring audio recordings and transcripts of interviews with Asian Americans in Houston.

Dates: circa 1980s

Drake Mabry Papers

Identifier: MS 0942

Drake Mabry is an American musical composer and multi-instrumentalist. This digital collection contains selections of Drake Mabry's work, including scores and audiovisual performances of his music; images of his artwork and photography; text of his poetry; experimental and interview videos; as well as biographical documents including a CV and music catalog and additional files, including articles, programs, and other notes.

Dates: 1959 - 2019

Edith Wyschogrod academic papers

Identifier: UA 0458

This collections consists of Wyschogrod's academic and professional works focused on ethical and philosophical themes such as justice and alterity, modern philosophy, and memory and forgetting. Formats include letters, transcripts of lectures, notes, floppy discs, and correspondence.

Dates: circa 1969-2010

Edwin C. May Laboratories for Fundamental Research papers

Identifier: MS 0773

Documents, reports, and audio-visual materials reflecting the career of Edwin C. May, a nuclear physicist by training, worked as a research scientist on the Cognitive Science Program, better known as Stargate, at Stanford Research Institute and Science Applications International Corporation from 1975 to 1985, and as project director from 1985 to 1995.

Dates: 1974-1995

Ellington Field research collection

Identifier: MS 0547

This collection contains ten boxes of material related to the history and operation of Ellington Field, also known as Ellington Air Force Base, near Houston, Texas. The majority of the records date from 1917-2007, and include historical research materials, photographs, books, microfilm, postcards, and memorabilia. The foundation of the collection was material assembled by historian Kathryn Black Morrow for the publication of a history of Ellington Field.

Dates: 1917-2009

Ensemble Theatre Records

Identifier: MS 0533

This collection contains fifteen boxes of material related to the operation of The Ensemble Theatre in Houston, Texas, including General Records, Administration Records and Financial Records.

Dates: 1983-2008

Estelle Panzer Papers

Identifier: MS 0917

Two boxes containing media and scrapbooks, as well as a digitized oral history interview, document the life of Estelle Panzer from 1980 to 2019.

Dates: 1980 - 2019

Fink Family Papers

Identifier: MS 0759

The Fink family Papers are comprised of photographs of the Fink family, the Purple Heart medal awarded to Harold Fink for his wartime service, and various papers related to the B’nai B’rith Youth Organization and Echo Hill Ranch---both organizations that nurture and encourage the growth of Jewish Teens.

Dates: 1930 - 1987

Fredericka Meiners' A History of Rice University research materials

Identifier: UA 0297

The collection is made up primarily of materials created by Fredericka Meiners in writing her 1982 book A History of Rice University: The Institute Years, 1907-1963. It includes multiple draft copies with corrections and revisions. There are audio tapes of three interviews with transcriptions. There are also pre-publication responses to the text from readers including Ray Hoagland, who recommended particular changes in style and content.

Dates: 1977 - 1982

Grace Spaulding John papers

Identifier: MS 0383

These papers consist of proofs, dummies, and printed copies of published and unpublished works written by or illustrated by Grace Spaulding John. Also included are film/film prints of illustrations from these works, sketchbooks, as well as other artwork. Additional items in the collection include biographical information on John, newspaper and magazine articles, and family photographs, audiotapes and correspondence.

Dates: 1890-1977

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  • Subject: Sound recordings X

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Sound recordings 63
Correspondence 32
photographs 32
Video recordings 22
Clippings (books, newspapers, etc.) 17
∨ more
Records (documents) 17
Universities and colleges 17
Interviews 14
Programs (publications) 12
Music 10
Oral histories 9
Social life and customs 9
Texas -- Houston 8
Jewish Families 7
Jews and Jewish life 7
African Americans 6
Education 6
Ephemera 6
Minutes (Records) 6
Newsletters 6
Religion 6
Reports 6
Rice University 6
Women 6
World War (1939-1945) 6
Albums (books) 5
Art 5
Asian Americans 5
Books 5
Collectibles 5
Politics and government 5
Posters 5
Scores 5
Architecture 4
Military 4
Press releases 4
Speeches 4
Texas 4
newspapers 4
Business 3
Church bulletins 3
College teachers 3
Diaries 3
Directories 3
Manuscripts 3
Notated music 3
Pamphlets 3
Parapsychology 3
Personal correspondence 3
Sermons 3
Slides 3
Theater 3
Twentieth century 3
Unidentified flying objects 3
United States 3
Yearbooks 3
sound recordings 3
Architectural drawings 2
Arrangement (Music) 2
Authors 2
Biographies 2
Calendars 2
Charts, diagrams, etc. 2
Composers 2
Emigration and immigration 2
Environment 2
Health care and medicine 2
Hip-hop 2
Jewish day schools 2
LGBTQ people 2
Legal instruments 2
Literature 2
Space flight 2
War 2
Aeronautics, Military 1
Architects 1
Artists 1
Astronautics and state 1
Bioengineering 1
Biologists 1
Biology 1
Chinese Americans 1
Christianity 1
Christianity and politics 1
Church and state 1
Churches 1
City planning 1
Civil rights 1
Coastal surveillance 1
Cold War (1945-1989) 1
College presidents -- Inauguration 1
College students 1
Comic art paraphernalia 1
Community activists 1
Composition (Music) 1
Conservatism 1
Cultural pluralism 1
Depositions 1
Editorials 1
Evangelists 1
+ ∧ less
English 65
Vietnamese 1
Rice University 9
Congregation Beth Yeshurun (Houston, Tex) 2
Davidson, Chandler 2
Alley Theatre (Houston, Tex.) 1
American Freedom Train Foundation 1
∨ more
American Institute of Architects, Houston 1
Anderson, Michael 1
Antunes, George Edward 1
Avalon, Robert 1
Bistram, Emile, 1895-1976 1
Bloome, Jarrod D. 1
Bolding, Patricia Spaulding Smith, 1944- 1
Brischetto, Robert R. 1
Bryant,, Larry W., 1938-2020 1
Bullock, Charles S., III 1
Byrd, W. Lee 1
Chen, E. C. M. (Edward C. M.) 1
Citizens for Better Government (Abilene, Tex.). 1
Congregation Adath Yeshurun (Houston, Tex.) 1
Congregation Beth El (Houston, Tex.) 1
Congregation Brith Shalom. (Bellaire, Tex) 1
Congregation Shearith Israel (Wharton, Tex) 1
Contemporary Arts Association (Houston, Tex.). 1
Croft, Steven M. 1
Davies, Race D. 1
Ensemble Theatre (Houston, Tex.). 1
Fink, Aaron 1
Goodman, Shelby D. 1
Greater Houston Civic Council (Houston, Tex.). 1
Grofman, Bernard 1
Hall, Arthur E. 1
Hancock, John W., Sr., -1960 1
Hewitt, Gerald J. 1
Hinton, Milt 1
Hispanic Association for Cultural Enrichment at Rice (HACER) 1
Hobby, Oveta Culp, 1905-1995 1
Holmes, Ann, 1922-2009 1
Houston Balalaika Society 1
Houston Gay Men's Chorus 1
Houston Grand Opera. 1
Howard, Oliver 1
Hughes, Pamela Sturtevant Keightley, 1946- 1
Huxley, Julian 1
Huxley, Julian, 1887-1975 1
Huxley, Juliette, 1896-1994 1
Hyman, Harold 1
John, Alfred M., -1936 1
John, Grace Spaulding, 1890-1972 1
John, John Spaulding, 1915- 1
Jones, Ray 1
KUHT-TV (Television station : Houston, Tex.). 1
Keightley, Patricia John, 1916- 1
Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald) 1
Kessel, Marion 1
Killgore, Douglas 1
Kiwanis Club of Houston 1
Kiwanis International 1
Kiwanis International. Texas-Oklahoma District 1
Larch-Miller, Aloysius 1
Mann, Thomas, 1875-1955 1
Mattox, Jim 1
McManus, Susan 1
McNeil, Frank 1
Mitchell, Carolyn E. (Mrs. O. Jack) 1
Mitchell, O. Jack 1
Montrose Singers 1
Morris and Turnage. Law Firm. 1
Murray, Richard 1
Napoli, Philip F., 1960- 1
O'Rourke, Timothy Gerald 1
Pallugna-Saenz, Cybil 1
Palmer, Bruce 1
Panzer, Estelle 1
Pershing, Ruth Uhler, 1898-1967 1
Phillips, Paul Edward 1
Pillot, Joseph E., 1886-1966 1
Quintero, José 1
Rabinovitz, Francine 1
Redgrave, Vanessa, 1937- 1
Rice Historical Society 1
Rice University Chao Center for Asian Studies 1
Rice University. 1
Rice University. Department of University Relations 1
Richards, Ann, 1933-2006 1
Riedel, Brian 1
Rossinow, Douglas C. 1
Shepherd School of Music. 1
Smith, Griffin, Jr. 1
Space Services Inc 1
Spaulding, Gertrude Lavinia, 1871-1932 1
Spaulding, Helim George, 1869-1943 1
Stevens, Risë, 1913-2013 1
SwishaHouse record label 1
Texas Chamber Orchestra (Houston, Tex.). 1
Unesco. 1
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 1
Vallee, Jacques F. 1
Vera, Alberto 1
Wall, Paul 1
Watts, Michael 1
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