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Showing Collections A-Z: 21 - 30 of 132

Dan & Ellen Trachtenberg papers

Identifier: MS 0756

The collection contains news clippings, newsletters, event programs, photographs, and slides that document a small part of Ellen and Dan Trachtenberg's activism to improve conditions for Soviet Jews.

Dates: 1977 - 1989

Dattle Family Papers

Identifier: MS 0835

The Dattle Family papers are made up of certificates, records, and a photo recording the marriage and military service of Phillip Dattle.

Dates: 1939 - 1946

Daum/Gersh Family papers

Identifier: MS 0850

The collection consists of a binder of the Houston Hadassah chapter's Business and Professional committee's meeting minutes and other Hadassah materials, yearbooks, directories, recipes and newspaper clippings ranging from 1937 to 2012.

Dates: 1937 - 2012

David Barg Military Papers

Identifier: MS 0982

Correspondence recommending and rejecting David Barg for Officer Candidate School and some military records, including separation paperwork, document some of Captain Barg's time in the U.S. military between 1936 and 1946.

Dates: 1936 - 1946

David Bell Papers

Identifier: MS 0868

BBYO yearbooks, an oral history interview, speeches given by Bell, and programs and booklets from Congregations Adath Emeth and Beth Yeshurun events document some of the activities David Bell participated in from 1941 to 2023.

Dates: 1941 - 2023

David Wolf Family papers

Identifier: MS 0757

The David Wolf Family papers contain religious certificates, photographs, news clippings, and books related to members of the extended Wolf family. Dated throughout the 1900s, the materials showcase Jewish traditions and engagements of three generations of the Wolf family.

Dates: 1908 - 1970

Debbie Bootin Collection

Identifier: MS 0951

Three boxes containing newspaper articles, Congregation Beth Yeshurun journals, Texas Jewish Historical Society Membership Directories, Robert M. Beren Academy anniversary journals, Holocaust Museum Houston journals, brochures, and memorabilia document some activities that Dr. Debra Bootin was involved in from 1995 to 2017.

Dates: 1995 - 2017

Dennis Halpin collection

Identifier: MS 0861

The Dennis Halpin collection contains materials related to Dennis Halpin and—through his association—the United Orthodox Synagogue and Cantor Dean Irving, who served as a music teacher there for over 50 years. The materials showcase the events held by the synagogue and their wide-reaching impact on the Houston Jewish Community.

Dates: 2000 - 2010

Dolores Wilkenfeld papers

Identifier: MS 0797

The collection contains one box of speeches, event programs and media, newsclippings, and bulletins which document some of Dolores Wilkenfeld's interests and activities within the Reform Jewish Community in Houston and around the world from 1973 to 2017, with a focus on assisting Russian Jewry.

Dates: 1973 - 2017

Edward Stone Papers

Identifier: MS 1054

The collection contains primarily BBYO materials, including correspondence, photographs, news clippings, membership cards, lapel pins and other memorabilia, a certificate, Model Convention materials, and event programs spanning the years 1956 to 1989.

Dates: 1956 - 1989

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  • Subject: Families X

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Additional filters:

Jewish Families 130
Jews and Jewish life 125
photographs 87
Programs (publications) 46
Clippings (books, newspapers, etc.) 41
∨ more
Correspondence 41
Records (documents) 40
Newsletters 21
Albums (books) 20
Personal correspondence 20
Social life and customs 20
newspapers 20
Religion 19
Collectibles 17
Yearbooks 15
Books 13
Speeches 13
Directories 12
Informational works 12
Ephemera 11
Jewish Organizations and Businesses 11
Military 11
World War (1939-1945) 11
Synagogues 8
Education 7
Oral histories 7
Sound recordings 7
Video recordings 7
Church bulletins 6
Emigration and immigration 5
Architecture 4
Reports 4
Sermons 4
Baseball teams 3
Legal instruments 3
Minutes (Records) 3
Music 3
Negatives (photographs) 3
Slides 3
Texas -- Houston 3
Architectural drawings 2
Authors 2
Autobiographies 2
Business 2
Families 2
Judaism -- Customs and practices 2
Pamphlets 2
Photography 2
Politics and government 2
Texas 2
Universities and colleges 2
Women 2
American newspapers 1
Asian Americans 1
Calendars 1
Civil rights 1
Commemorative works 1
Committees 1
Courts 1
Dedication services 1
Diaries 1
Drawings 1
Education, Higher 1
Essays 1
Family histories 1
Filipino Americans 1
Fliers (ephemera) 1
Funeral homes 1
Genealogy 1
History 1
Institutional investors 1
Insurance 1
Interviews 1
Jewish day schools 1
Journalism 1
LGBTQ people 1
Law and legislation 1
Lists 1
Marriage 1
North Dakota State University 1
Obituaries 1
Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America 1
Patents 1
Periodicals 1
Philanthropists 1
Poetry 1
Political campaigns 1
Political parties 1
Portraits 1
Postcards 1
Prostitution 1
Rice University 1
Scores 1
Soldiers 1
Soviet Union 1
Sports 1
Texas -- Galveston 1
Texas -- Harris County 1
Theater 1
Travel 1
+ ∧ less
B'nai B'rith Youth Organization 8
Congregation Beth Yeshurun (Houston, Tex) 5
Furman, Joshua, Dr. 4
Congregation Adath Yeshurun (Houston, Tex.) 3
Congregation Beth Israel (Houston, Tex.) 3
∨ more
Congregation Brith Shalom. (Bellaire, Tex) 3
Congregation Emanu El (Houston, Tex.) 3
United Orthodox Synagogues of Houston (Houston, Tex.) 3
Congregation Adath Emeth (Houston, Tex.) 2
Congregation Adath Israel (Houston, Tex.) 2
Abramson, Ida Sue 1
Arbisser, Micah 1
Arsht, Leslye 1
Askanase, Hilda (Graham) 1
Askanase, Reuben 1
B'nai B'rith. Herzl Lodge No. 608 1
Bamberger, Terri 1
Barg, David 1
Barg, Irwin M. 1
Barish, David 1
Barish, Marvin 1
Barish, Shirley 1
Beckman, Francine N. 1
Belasco, Norman 1
Bell Family 1
Bell, David 1
Bell, Henrietta 1
Bell, Marian 1
Berman family 1
Berman, Morton 1
Beth Jacob Congregation (Houston, Tex) 1
Blair, Patricia M. 1
Block, Linda 1
Blumberg, Bennet L. 1
Bogdanow, Michael 1
Bootin, Debbie 1
Borger, Jules H. 1
Brand, Nancy 1
Campbell, Julie Robbins 1
Chasen, Celene 1
Christian, Kaci 1
Cohen, Henry, Rabbi 1
Congregation B'nai Israel (Victoria, Tex) 1
Congregation Shearith Israel (Wharton, Tex) 1
Cooper, Rochella 1
Cooper, Tobi 1
Croft, Steven M. 1
Daily, William 1
Dannenbaum, Henry J. 1
Denn, Meyer 1
Dow, Melvin A. 1
Eisenberg, Al 1
Epstein Scharf, Lauren 1
Eskowitz, Sheryl 1
Fenberg, Steven 1
Filipino American National Historical Society 1
Fink, Aaron 1
Fisherman, Iris 1
Fondren Library 1
Fondren family 1
Fondren, Ella F. 1
Frank, Janis Butler 1
Freed, Nancy 1
Freedman, Cindy 1
Friedman, Joy L. 1
Gaber, Sara Jo 1
Geller, Harriet 1
Geller, Jacob 1
Geller, Jacob, Rabbi 1
Geller, Jay 1
Geller, Max, Rabbi 1
Gilbert, Joyce Kramer 1
Ginsburg, Jay S. 1
Goodman, Shelby D. 1
Gordon, Gerilyn Farb 1
Greenfield, Larry J. 1
Halpin, Dennis 1
Hassid, Marilyn Levitch 1
Hecht, Celine Chaskin 1
Hertz, Brian 1
Hoffman, Jerry 1
Hoffman, Kerry 1
Hope, Bob 1
Houston Astros 1
Hutton, Jan 1
I. Weiner Jewish Secondary School of Houston 1
Jewish Family Service (Houston, Tex) 1
Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973 1
Jones, Jesse H. (Jesse Holman) 1
Kass, Miriam 1
Katz, Happy 1
Katzeff, Harriet 1
Kaufman, Phyllis 1
Kaufman, Sheldon 1
Kessler, Jimmy, Rabbi 1
Kessler, Shelley 1
Kornblit-Rosenberg, Suzanne 1
Kuper, Elaine Hofeller 1
Lack, Melvin 1
Leff, Alicia D. 1
+ ∧ less