Showing Collections A-Z: 521 - 530 of 603
Sidney Burrus academic career papers
Archival materials from the office of Dr. Burrus after his death in 2021. Includes laptop computer and paper files spanning his career in electrical engineering.
Sir Edwin Arnold correspondence
This collection consists of letters written to and from the British author and journalist, Sir Edwin Arnold between 1887 and 1899. The letters primarily discuss invitations and lecture schedules.
Sir George Cranfield Berkeley papers
Sir Hall Caine papers
The collection primarily consists of letters addressed to Sir Hall Caine, a prominent British novelist and secretary to Dante Gabriel Rossetti, the poet and painter. Caine lived from May 14, 1853 until August 31, 1931. Caine greatly admired Rossetti and the Pre-Raphaelite writings and much of the correspondence centers around the movement. Literary themes, especially related to events of the day, predominate the subjects of the letters.
Sir John William Phillips Marshall papers
Bound volume of transcribed correspondence to and from British Rear Admiral Sir John William Phillips Marshall, CB (1785-1850), during the period of the Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815) and concurrent War of 1812, including correspondence concerning a court martial related to the capture and destruction of the ship H.M.S. Java by the USS Constitution in 1813.
Sir Joseph Banks letter
This collection contains a letter by Sir Joseph Banks to an unnamed correspondent, sending thanks for four plates and a drawing, and then discussing eleven botanical specimens. There is also a reference to the Royal Society, of which Banks was President for forty-two years.
Sir Richard John Strachan letter to Commodore Sir William Cornwallis
This letter from Sir Richard John Strachan was sent to Commodore Sir William Cornwallis, his squadron commander in the East Indies, describing his role in the action against the French frigate Resolue off Pondicherry, India, which resulted in her capture.
Sir Walter Scott letters
Consists of two letters signed by Scott. One is dated 12 October 1826 and addressed to Andrew Lang, Esq. and appears to be a cover letter for a cheque. The other is addressed to an unknown recipient and concerns a claim to the Earldom of Stirling by one Humphrey Alexander (or a Humphrey and an Alexander).
Sir William Sidney Smith papers
The papers of Admiral Sir William Sidney Smith contain letters concerning Smith's brother, John Spencer Smith, who was British ambassador to the Porte at Constantinople in the early 1790s. Correspondents include Robert Liston, British Minister to the United States. Also included is a genealogy of the Smith family, a battle order issued by Smith aboard HMS Tigre during the siege at Acre in 1799, and an invitation to the funeral of the Duke of Wellington.
S.L. Wisenberg family papers
This collections is made up of congregation Beth Yeshurun Anniversary/Dedication books and two scrapbooks containing photographs, school report cards, programs, newspaper clippings, agendas, and correspondence document the interests and activities of S.L. Wisenberg as a child between 1961 and 2001.