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Rice University School of Architecture Alumni Archive

Identifier: UA 0254
Abstract The collection consists primarily of materials created by alumni of the Rice University School of Architecture. Dates of the materials range from 1927 to 1990. A large portion of the collection is made up of drawings that won the William Ward Watkin Traveling Fellowship. There are also a 1932 sketch-book by Walter Johnson for Architecture 410, a copy of the 1973 student newspaper Intercourse, and pictorial works in pencil, ink, ink and watercolor, and watercolor by Milton McGinty, Erik T....
Dates: 1953 - 1990

Shelby D. Goodman collection

Identifier: MS 0820

The Shelby D. Goodman collection contains concept sketches and photographs of two of Goodman’s most influential buildings--the Jewish Federation of Greater Houston Building and the Kaplan Museum of Judaica. In addition, the collection has several religious group photographs, and six sound recordings of Jewish religious music, offering a rich insight into Jewish spaces and traditions in the community.

Dates: 1949 - 2015

South Central Intellectual Property Partnership at Rice (SCIPPR) Office Records

Identifier: UA 0034
Abstract The South Central Intellectual Property Partnership at Rice (SCIPPR) was established in 1997 as a partnership between Fondren Library, Rice University, and the U. S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) to provide specialized services to the intellectual property community of greater Houston area, the south central United States, and Mexico. These records consist of documents relating to the planning and opening of the department and its eventual 2001 closing and the business conducted by...
Dates: 1997 - 2002

Thomas R. Wilson Architectural Career and related papers

Identifier: MS 0904

The papers consist of personal papers from Thomas R. Wilson's undergraduate years at Rice, The Peace Corps, and family. His architectural career is featured with sketches, drawings, photographs, clippings, and media.

Dates: 1936 - 2019

Wylie Vale architecture collection

Identifier: MS 0625

Architectural drawings and related records for residential architecture projects by Wylie Vale, Jr.

Dates: 1950 - 1951

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Architecture 16
photographs 15
Correspondence 12
Universities and colleges 12
Records (documents) 7
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Rice University 4
Rice University. 2
Aker, Joe C., photographer 1
Alonso, Gabriel 1
B'nai B'rith Youth Organization 1
∨ more
Bailey, Bob 1
Baker, James Addison 1
Begham, Stan 1
Bisett and Dixon Photographers. 1
Brewer, Benjamin E., Jr. 1
Brochstein, Deborah 1
Brochsteins, Inc. (1935-) 1
Chelsea Architects 1
Cohen, Agnes 1
Cohen, Esther 1
Cohen, George S. 1
Cohen, Robert 1
Congregation Brith Shalom. (Bellaire, Tex) 1
Cooper , Keith 1
Cram and Ferguson. 1
Dorsey and Peters. 1
Dorsey, Paul 1
Fillpot, Robert G. 1
Fisk, David 1
Foto Art Studios. 1
Gabert, Lenard, Sr. 1
Gardner, Rick 1
Georges, Alexandre 1
Gilbert, Earl R. 1
Goodman, Shelby D. 1
Gulf Photo. 1
Harper Leiper Studios. 1
Henrikson, Vernon R. 1
Hester, Paul, 1948- 1
Johnson, Owen 1
Jones, Arthur Evan 1
Kertesz, Andre 1
Kiger, Jennifer M. 1
Kile, Barbara 1
Korab, Balthazar 1
Lawless and Son, Photographers. 1
Laws, Jack F. 1
Levy, Jean 1
Levy, Morton 1
Lieberman, Nathaniel 1
Lindeberg, H. T. (Harrie Thomas), 1879- 1
Lloyd, Hermon F. 1
Locke, Al 1
Martel College (Rice University). 1
Martel, Marian 1
Martel, Speros 1
McGrath, Chas 1
McIntire, Mary 1
Meyer, Art 1
Miller, John P. 1
Miller, Ralph N. 1
Milstead Photography. 1
Mitchell, Carolyn E. (Mrs. O. Jack) 1
Mitchell, O. Jack 1
Morgan, William B. 1
Murdy, W. D. 1
Neuhaus, Hugo V., Jr. 1
Patent & Trademark Partnership Program 1
Payne, Richard 1
Peters, George 1
Peters, Paul 1
Photographic Laboratories. 1
Raphael, E. 1
Rice University School of Architecture 1
Rice University--residential college system. 1
Rice University. Buildings and Grounds Committee 1
Rice University. Cohen House. 1
Rice University. Continuing Studies Program. 1
Rice University. Faculty Club. 1
Rice University. Office of South Central Intellectual Property Partnership at Rice 1
Rice, B.B. 1
Rice, Elizabeth Baldwin 1
Rice, William Marsh 1
Richburg, Jack 1
Rosenthal, Steve 1
Seawell Photography. 1
Seiders, F. Wilbur 1
Shoemake-Stiles Photography. 1
Smusz, Ben 1
St. Gil, Marc 1
Stewart, Ed 1
Stiles and Associates. 1
Tapley, Charles 1
Thomas, Jim 1
Todd, Anderson 1
Waldo, Wilmer, Mr. 1
Whitney, Peter 1
Woodallen Industrial Photography. 1
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