Videotape 147. "Music of Robert Avalon #1". Format: Betacam Sony UVWT-60ML. Composer: Robert Avalon. Duration: 90 minutes. (digitized as # wrc04630)
Scope and Contents
The lion’s share of this collection consists of the composer’s complete music portfolio from solo instrumental works to large-scale orchestral compositions, as well as the earliest unpublished compositions and arrangements. Musical sketches, manuscripts, self-published scores, and instrumental parts are arranged chronologically by genre.
The collection also contains materials related to the opera, Carlota, which the composer commenced in the early 1990s, but never completed due to his untimely death. The collection also houses concert flyers, programs, and reviews that date as far back to the composer’s formative period. Correspondence between friends and family members as well as associates can be found in all the periods of the composer’s life.
The collection also houses a substantial number of audio recordings of concerts, lectures, radio interviews, rehearsals and studio recording sessions, many of which Avalon participated as performer. The collection features a trove of photographs documenting the composer’s personal and professional life.
Audiocassettes and DAT format recordings have been digitized and preserved in Woodson's nearline environment, under identifier # MS0612aip_001. Access may be requested at using that identifier.
- Creation: ca. 1955-2010
- From the Collection: Avalon, Robert (Person)
Conditions Governing Access
Stored off-site at the Library Service Center. Please request this material via or call 713-348-2586.
Access Restrictions
This material is open for research.
From the Collection: 13.5 Linear Feet ( (10 boxes plus oversize))
From the Collection: 62 Gigabytes (Digitized audio from audiocassettes and DAT format tape, stored nearline under identifier # MS0612aip_001)
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Woodson Research Center, Rice University, Houston, Texas Repository
Fondren Library MS-44, Rice University
6100 Main St.
Houston Texas 77005 USA