Economic Summit 1990, 1990-93
Scope and Contents note
The material in this series is subdivided alphabetically, by title, into administrative offices. The folders within each heading were then also filed in alphabetical order. Original order was maintained so there may be overlapping of dates on some folders. One box of cassettes was added at the end of Provost Section. One box of legal size (oversize) material is at the end of the VP for Finance and Administration. The material in the section named “Committees – Meeting Binders” may have come from Neal Lane, Provost. The material was removed from the binders and included in this section of the President’s Office records. The documents are filed the way they were in the binder – by date and then by Committee name. There are some folders relating to the Task Force on Institutional Policy Review that are marked DESTROY IN 2005 under the President’s Section, Box 81.
- Creation: 1963 - 2001
- Creation: Majority of material found within
Conditions Governing Access
Stored onsite at the Woodson Research Center.
Access Restrictions
Permission to use the President’s Office Records must be obtained in writing from Mark Scheid, Assistant to the President. Legal and disciplinary files need special permission.
From the Collection: 103 Linear Feet
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Woodson Research Center, Rice University, Houston, Texas Repository
Fondren Library MS-44, Rice University
6100 Main St.
Houston Texas 77005 USA